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GenerationS named the best technological startups in Russia

On October 15, at the Moscow International Forum “Open Innovations”, four winners of the GenerationS technology projects accelerator competition — one in each industry sector — were determined. The best were: Promobot (Industrial), Kera-Tech (BiotechMed), NanoServ (Cleantech) and VeeRoute (IT).

Track Cleantech. Project “NanoServ”, Elena Levina (Krasnodar)
Krasnodar company “NanoServ” specializes in cleaning heating systems, heat exchangers and industrial boilers from salts and scale with the help of biotechnologies based on lactic acid bacteria. The company's turnover for the three quarters of 2014 amounted to 30 million rubles. NanoServ has already signed twenty long-term contracts - mainly with industrial structures, as well as with the institutions of the Ministry of Education of the Southern Federal District. Big plans for 2015: development and expansion of the dealer network (there are already 49 dealers in the Russian Federation and representatives abroad), access to foreign markets.
Track BiotechMed. Project Kera-Tech, Anna Linnik (Kemerovo)
Technology for production of high-protein feed additive from the waste of the poultry industry. The average poultry farm produces 3 tons of waste after slaughter per day. By turning waste into the Kera-Tech feed additive, the poultry farm can receive more than 16 million rubles of net profit. The cost of feed using the technology of Kera-Tech is reduced by 18%, the digestibility of the additive in birds reaches 98%. The potential revenue from the sale of a biological product may be about 82 billion rubles. in year. Now the company signs contracts with four productions.

Track Industrial. Project Promobot, Oleg Kivokurtsev (Perm)
Multifunctional intelligent robot to work with clients. The main tasks of Promobot are attracting new customers, product presentation and product consulting, as well as the collection and analysis of customer information. Potential buyers of a promotional robot: retailers, business center owners, cinemas, shopping and entertainment complexes. The maximum operating time of the Promobot is 8 hours, the speed of movement on the site is 5 km / h, a speech emulator with 100,000 voice modules is built in the robot and the ability to memorize up to 1000 people. The size of the global market for advertising robots is estimated at $ 1.7 billion. The cost of a ready-made Promobot is $ 10,000. By the end of 2014, the company plans to organize a network of 50 dealerships around the world, and by the middle of 2016 to sell 1000 robots annually.

Track IT. Project VeeRoute, Vladislav Kudinov (St. Petersburg)
Service to optimize transport logistics. The developed algorithms allow you to build routes in real time: planning for 10,000 addresses takes no more than 10 minutes, the solution saves customers with a fleet of 100 cars up to 2 million rubles a month, reduces fuel consumption by 20%, increases the number of processed on the day of receipt by 40% applications. At the beginning of October, the company has 7 clients, the total payment for which is 360,000 rubles per month. The volume of the target market is $ 300 million per year.

“The main victory in the competition is getting investments and results,” stressed Arkady Dvorkovich, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, at the opening of the GenerationS investment session. - It is good that a platform has emerged that unites those who have ideas with venture capital investors. And investors already have an interest in the projects presented, which means that we are on the right track. ”

According to the results of this year’s GenerationS, about fifty projects have already entered into negotiations with Russian venture capital investors. In addition, several corporations expressed their desire to join the competition next year as organizers and partners. “Already today, a number of Russian corporations see in the GenerationS competition a channel for finding interesting developments that can be used in solving their business problems. Today we are discussing a partnership with several companies that next year plan to create separate industry tracks to search for technologies, ”commented Gulnara Bikkulova, director of the RVC innovative markets department.
The final GenerationS federal accelerator competition was held within the framework of the Moscow Open Innovations Forum. 25 strongest GenerationS projects were presented by a jury of 100 Russian and foreign investors. The jury evaluated the projects presented at the investment session according to seven main criteria: the team, problem value and solutions, understanding of the market, technical implementation, competitive advantages, scalability of the business model and possible capitalization of the project on the horizon of 3-5 years. The final score was the sum of the indicators according to the criteria and the investor's assessment in terms of investing in the project's own funds.

“Interesting projects, good ideas, a strong team always raise money, a little faster or a little slower. But the competition is useful for startups not only to attract investors, but also to compare themselves with other projects, to practice. This is a sieve through which the weak pass, and the strong receive a good stimulus for development. I think that all startups that have reached the final of GenerationS have high chances of success in realizing their products, ”said Konstantin Fokin, general director of the Moscow Innovation Development Center.

All finalists of the competition received the Moscow Innovation Passports, which gives the holder priority rights to participate in various programs of the Moscow Government and to receive services provided on preferential terms by Moscow development institutions and their partners. The total value of prizes for the finalists from the competition partners amounted to about 38 million rubles. Each contest finalist was awarded a grant of one million rubles from the Assistance Fund. Three target grants for business development in the nomination “Smart City” from the construction company “Morton” were received by the teams “Computer Robotics”, GeoCV and Promobot. Special prize from SAP went to the project Veeroute. The team “Computer Robotics” got an opportunity to present their project to the investors of the Club of Directors for Science and Innovations. Participation in the Seed forum Singapore acceleration program was provided by LOGA Group to three finalists of the BiotechMed track - Liomed, HepyScreen and Brain Target, while Tsinoferr and AquaAgroSorb teams will be able to present their projects at the investment session in New York. Three IT startups 3Plet Publishing, AddReality and Piligrim XXI were given the opportunity to participate in the acceleration program Fabernovel based on the leading NUMA innovation center in Paris, and Promobot, Nerpa Interceptors and Bitblaze will be accelerated in Berlin. A ticket to the international congress in the field of digital innovation Leweb was awarded to the project GeoCV. All twenty-five participants in the final received certificates from the consulting company Deloitte, and also became owners of a subscription to Kaspersky Lab's anti-virus program. Finals leaders received a subscription from Elsevier.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241269/

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