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SED: look for who benefits

Often, after the introduction of an electronic document management system (EDMS), the company faces an unexpected obstacle: employees against. It is not surprising, because people suddenly have to leave the comfort zone and play at work according to the new rules instead of the usual and well-established ones. Who is really profitable and convenient to work in the SED, and to whom the implementation can cause real trouble?

Top management: the director will like it!

It is clear that, first of all, implementation is interesting for top managers - in the end, it is they who make the final decision and it is unlikely that the company’s management will act to its detriment. In addition to the key indicators of improving the efficiency of the company and saving costs and time, which in the long term all competent projects for the introduction of EDS are designed, the top manager actually has an obvious “personal” interest in implementation: it is more convenient for him. In fact. He no longer needs to constantly keep in his head hundreds of tasks, including the stages of execution and the numerous points of control of each of them, and manually sign the "million" papers that only the subordinates manage to bring. The possibility of remote access, including from the tablet, can be another pleasant side of implementation. This makes it possible to see online what is happening in the organization, while on the outside office. To whom EDS makes life easier is for the boss.

Sales Managers: Contract Love

The second place in terms of interest in EDS is occupied by employees, an important part of whose working time is the conclusion and signing of contracts (as a rule, these are sales managers in trading companies and purchasing managers in large organizations). Let not immediately (give them time to get used to), but they will love this system of work firmly and forever. Because the contracts are no longer lost. Because the coordination of each document ceases to be a difficult quest with thirty-three phone calls and legwork from floor to floor. Yes, the signing and negotiation of contracts will be their favorite stage of work!

Accounting: "I go to you"

For an “old school” accountant who, with a computer “for you,” the introduction of an SED can be a real challenge. Here it is necessary to show patience and perseverance, to convince the employee that the new system will facilitate, and not complicate his work. Many are afraid to make a mistake. However, it is important to understand that when generating documents, control mechanisms work in the EDS, the history is stored, and if there is no special intention, then it is almost impossible to incorrectly form a document. Moreover, the SED protects against a number of mistakes that are often made due to the “human factor”, and therefore, on the contrary, reduces the burden of responsibility that every accounting employee bears on his shoulders.

Office and personnel work: the system is everything

The personnel department and the secretariat are the people for whom the SED is a daily work tool. They are the first link in the important document processing chain. Now they will have to learn to do their work in a new way. Therefore, how key to this key group of users, the speed of their adaptation and, ultimately, the fate of the system depend on how convenient and intuitive the system is. If they are not able to competently work with the ERMS and correctly enter all the necessary data into it - the picture will not be complete, the system will not be able to produce the desired result and hang dead weight. But, as soon as the SED has mastered and will fall in love with this category of employees - consider it done!

It turns out that in case of successful implementation and competent motivating training, all employees related to work with documents will feel the real benefit from the new system. Moreover, practice shows that working with EDS has a positive effect on the corporate spirit of the company - people begin to feel themselves as members of a single team, the number of work conflicts decreases, and the loyalty of employees to the company increases.
Well, if the implementation is carried out out of time, illiterately or poorly trained staff, then there is no use to blame the mirror. Good introductions!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241227/

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