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GLPI and the latest time zone updates in Windows

The story of one feat

A few weeks ago, GLPI for no apparent reason began to hang on the download page of the application. The complaint came from my colleagues when I was on vacation. Having opened the page in the browser, I did not find a problem, I notified my colleagues about it.

For information - I have Firefox on Linux, and they have Chrome on Windows.

They insisted on the problem. And I specifically installed a zoo of browsers on my netbook: Chrome, Opera (Blink, Presto). I checked the work with GLPI in them - I did not find any problems. When I went to work, I checked on my work computer under Windows and was surprised to find that, apart from Firefox, none of the browsers listed above load the task page. On the advice of one of the familiar php programmers, I got into the page code and found out that the download stumbles over javascript setting the creation date of the application and the execution date. Mindful of the latest Windows updates related to changes in the time zone in Vladivostok, because of which my time earlier leaped an hour ago, I tried to change the time zone from Vladivostok to Brisbane - the problem was gone.


I want to express special thanks to scif , Andrew - the system administrator who did not let me score on this problem and made me deal with it, as well as Microsoft, thanks to which I will always have a job.
Do not look that the article is written in such a light style. I spent all day solving this problem. I would be very happy if this article saves time for other system administrators.

Technical details

The hung page did not respond to any actions other than closing the tab. The tab process gradually grew to 1GB, after which the browser reported a page loading error.

Windows updates that caused the problem - KB2998527

JavaScript that caused the problem:
<script type="text/javascript">Ext.onReady(function() { var md1665785715 = new Ext.ux.form.DateTime({ hiddenName: 'date' ,id: 'date1665785715' ,value: '2014-10-21 17:05:01' ,hiddenFormat:'Ymd H:i:s' ,applyTo: 'showdate1665785715' ,timeFormat:'H:i' ,timeWidth: 55 ,dateWidth: 90 ,startDay: 1,allowBlank: false,timeConfig: { altFormats:'H:i:s',increment: 1,allowBlank: false},dateFormat: 'dm-Y',dateConfig: { altFormats:'dmY|dn-Y',allowBlank: false} }); });</script> 

 <script type="text/javascript">Ext.onReady(function() { var md33295515 = new Ext.ux.form.DateTime({ hiddenName: 'due_date' ,id: 'date33295515' ,value: '' ,hiddenFormat:'Ymd H:i:s' ,applyTo: 'showdate33295515' ,timeFormat:'H:i' ,timeWidth: 55 ,dateWidth: 90 ,startDay: 1,allowBlank: true,timeConfig: { altFormats:'H:i:s',increment: 1,allowBlank: true},dateFormat: 'dm-Y',dateConfig: { altFormats:'dmY|dn-Y',allowBlank: true} }); });</script> 

Addition to the article from 10.27.2014

Updates of Firefox came, version 33.0.1 became, and after restarting the browser, the same problem began to arise in Firefox. What is the motivation of developers to introduce such changes? .. (this is a rhetorical question)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241215/

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