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Five dead-end conversations between the manager and the manager

In my work as a manager, I constantly encounter the same template interactions with managers. This also applies to performers, although to a lesser extent. For all the dissimilarity of the dialogues and work situations in which they arise, the very scheme of communication between the manager and the subordinate remains very fixed. If you are a leader, then you will be surprised when you look at this communication from the side.

Below are my personal rules and conclusions. You can partly or completely disagree with them. Then I ask you to comment on this material.

1. Question: When will the task be completed?

The answer contains one of the constructions “I will try,” “probably will have time”, “probably will do today”, “maybe”.

Will you carry out your tasks or try to fulfill them? As a rule, the process by which the subordinate achieves the task is not interesting for the manager, he needs the result in the designated and agreed time.
Correct answer: To be implemented today / tomorrow / by 2020. If I do not have time to do this, I will inform you in advance.

2. Statement: This must be done today.

Answer: 5 minutes of stories, why this can not be done, then the answer: "Okay."

In 90% of cases, this behavior looks to the authorities as a favor. The interviewee clearly shows his disregard for the opponent. You do not agree, but you were forced. You either stand on your point of view tightly, or accept the opinion of a colleague and carry out the task qualitatively and with love, as if you need it.

The correct answer is: "Good" or "Yes, I see."

3. Statement: In similar situations, proceed as follows ...

Answer: "I hear about it the first time" or "Last time you were told to do otherwise."

If the supervisor gives occasionally conflicting instructions, then the most effective way is to fix them on paper or in electronic form, so that there is transparency, which, first of all, you need to solve problems. Answering, as in the example above, you show that the leader is an idiot, did not write step-by-step instructions for all occasions, although it seems that you are the manager who should be able to solve problems falling within your competence.

The correct answer is: "Yes, I see," or "Let's fix this moment in my job description."

4. Question: Why was this not done on time?

Answer: I could not, because ... And then a million reasons.

Why this in principle happened - we leave out of the brackets of our debriefing. Of course, everyone has force majeure, although they are rare compared to other cases.

The main thing is why you could not write in a task or pick up the phone and make a call, write to Skype and inform in advance in any other way that the task will not be done on time. It is possible that a great deal depended on this successful solution of this particular task, but because of you this opportunity was missed.

Correct answer: There is no right answer! In principle, this question should not be applied to your work.

5. Question: What tasks are planned for today / for a week / month / year?

Answer: "I will write TZ", "communicate with customers, and then we have a planning meeting."

The manager thinks that he is being asked what he will do. This is not true. He is asked what tasks will be completed, what plans will be fulfilled. Interested in what result will be achieved, and not what process is committed.

The correct answer is: “I will finish writing the TZ, agreeing the date of the meeting with the client, at the planning meeting I will adjust my plans and the plans of my colleagues for the next week”


Or become a leader and dictate your game rules!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241201/

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