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New interesting online payment system?

A little cooperating with PrivatBank's IT infrastructure, I recently learned about a new project of this institution. So, Liqpay is a payment system that allows you to easily send money from a Visa or MasterCard card to a virtual account in a Liqpay system tied to a mobile phone number.
After that, you can transfer money further to another phone, withdraw money from the Liqpay system again to your card or leave money in your account and use them later.
It sounds more than tempting, but knowing not by hearsay other projects of PrivatBank still want to test a little. In general, I will not torment you for a long time, the system (for the time being) more or less works stably and normally. Pleases the lack of commission when crediting to a virtual account and when transferring to another virtual account of the system. Money is taken only when withdrawing funds. You can only withdraw to plastic cards (at the moment only VISA) a commission of $ 0.55 + 0.5% on a privatBank card (funds are received during the day), $ 1.95 + 1.0% on a card of any other bank (funds go within 5-6 days).
What could be the fear. Well, in the first place, which happens most often, the brakes of the SMS sending system, as it happens in the P24 system. Then, at the moment, the staff of the online help itself is not very versed in the new system, although they (judging by the inside of the corporate unit) are actively learning.
Pleases a great security guarantee payment system, for an ordinary user of online payment systems, it will seem unnecessarily parododoidal, but the project is a bank, hence the security requirements.
In general, if the guys ensure the stable operation of all the systems of this service, you can get a rather interesting product.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/24117/

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