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What accelerates forced overtime

Many outsourcing companies sin by the fact that by any whim of the customer they are ready to force (they can force a single question, but it depends on the person’s personal qualities, many agree) to work employees on weekends, I am sure that this is completely unreasonable almost always. Of course, from the point of view of the outsourcer and the specific manager, everything looks great - the project is accelerating, the manager receives bonuses for meeting the deadlines, the customer is satisfied, the customer pays more money, the employees receive double pay (this is true at best). It seems everyone should be happy.

However, not everything looks so rosy if we conduct the simplest analysis.

Take for calculations a conditional month consisting of 22 working days and 8 days off, with an 8 hour working day. Suppose employees are ready to work without days off, then one employee, in addition to the main 176 hours, will work another 64 hours, i.e. he will work 36 percent more. It seems and not enough, but not to say that the cardinal acceleration for the complete absence of the weekend. And this is an ideal estimate - a spherical increase in productivity in vacuum, in reality, more often use only one day off, which means that more than 18 percent of the increase will not work out, which is not at all impressive - is it worth brain tearing for this? Then you need to at least roughly take into account the decrease in work efficiency:

- the person already has tiredness accumulated during the week;
- he has reduced motivation (he didn’t really want to go to work on the weekend);
- The situation in the office is probably not very working;
- his work may be blocked by the absence of any other employees at work.
So, in reality, it’s good if he works half of the efficiency that in normal time (or he will work more, but next week his efficiency will decrease), and this will result in a measly 9% increase in the work done, despite the fact that the company obviously spoils the relationship with the employee, and the manager who agrees to this, comes to karma with the rays of hatred, the company certainly gets a little more money from the customer, but for an outsourcer (with a long-term strategy) it should be more profitable to maintain good relations with employees than l znut the customer, the more that adequate customer everything can be explained, and with inadequate not communicate better.

Of course, there are really emergency situations where the failure of the term really threatens the existence of the project, and not just reduces the premium to the manager, but in this case the employees should be interested in working more, because they are hired employees and should not be responsible for management mistakes.

Now about double payment. It often does not give, give time off, but even if they give, then the benefits are not as large as they seem. Someone will say that he is happy to work for double payment for processing, this probably happens, but I think that not so often, because again you need to count, as they say in smart books - “easy to show” that during work every Saturday (4 weekends per month) above sn will turn out to be 36% higher than usual, whether this will compensate for the deterioration in the quality of life is up to you, but it seems to me that such an increase is relevant or for those who really do not have enough wages to live or who urgently needs to solve a housing problem (save or pay off a loan). Of course, working seven days a week gives more than 70% of the increase to the salary, but how long can you stretch that way until you stretch? And coming to work for one day off is a nine percent increase to sn - for me it is better to sleep well and take a walk in the park. Five-time overtime rate? Maybe we should think about it, but not less.

Therefore, I think that forced overtime accelerates only the dismissal of employees.

Addition: all calculations for one employee, and if not all employees go overtime, then the total effect for the project will be even smaller.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241143/

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