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Open online courses on Python, Linux and ... genetics

On November 10, three new online courses (MOOC) will start in Russian: on programming in Python, Linux operating system, molecular biology and genetics. The courses were created by teachers of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioinformatics , which is the reason for their diversity.

Courses are designed for an unprepared audience, because biologists are studying Python and Linux at the institute, and programmers learn molecular biology so that everyone can master bioinformatics together. But even if you know how to program perfectly and feel free in vim, you can advise these courses to your students or friends, or simply sign up for biology.

Courses are completely free and will remain available for self-study under Creative Commons after graduation. But those who want heated discussions in the comments, prompt responses from teachers and certificates at the end can take part in the next launch with deadlines (November 10 - December 8) .


The courses are small, designed for three weeks with a load of 3-4 hours per week and tell about the basics of the disciplines, without which further study of bioinformatics is impossible: molecular biology and genetics, work in the Linux system, programming in Python.

In fact, it is not necessary to want to engage in bioinformatics in order for these courses to be useful and interesting: the topics that they cover are basic and focused on a wide range of students - from schoolchildren to adults.

The platform for the placement of courses was the Stepic educational player, which already proved itself on the example of Computer Science Center courses and as an automated task-checking system used in several courses on Coursera.

Each course consists of short video lessons, accompanied by assignments and tests, and on the basis of passing the certificate is issued by the Institute of Bioinformatics.

The lecturers are the teachers of the institute. It should be noted that all of them are also researchers of the leading bioinformatics laboratories of St. Petersburg ( SPbAU RAS , SPSU, ITMO).

Molecular Biology and Genetics

Course Page

Lecturer: Pavel Dobrynin , Lecturer at the Institute of Bioinformatics, Researcher at the Center for Genomic Bioinformatics. F. G. Dobrzhansky .

Course topics: introduction to cell biology, molecular biology, genetics.

Python programming

Course Page

Lecturer: Pavel Fedotov (@Effect), Lecturer at the Institute of Bioinformatics, Researcher at the Computer Technologies Laboratory at ITMO University .

Entry level course; created for those who do not know how to program in any language. Special knowledge, except for school-level mathematics and computer skills, is not required.

Introduction to Linux

Course Page

Lecturers: Alexey Gurevich (@AlexeyGurevich) and Andrey Przhibelsky (@andrewprzh), teachers of the Institute of Bioinformatics, research associates of the Laboratory of Algorithmic Biology, St. Petersburg University of RAS

The course introduces the Linux operating system, work on a remote server and the basics of writing scripts in the bash language. It also covers more advanced topics, such as using the Vim editor for example. Especially for this course will be used the method of creating virtual servers on the fly (and connecting to the console directly from the browser) with automated verification of the results of the tasks.

Good luck! All links and course information are also available from bioinformaticsinstitute.ru/online

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241119/

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