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What conference do I like C # /. Net developer would like to go

Good afternoon, readers of Habr!

Now my development language is C # and I am leading a couple of my projects, where I play the role of manager and programmer. My C # programming in the early years came with a “developmental delay”. Although I am not a completely stupid programmer, as a student I made several software products on Access + VBA and some are “alive” for more than 10 years.

In which I lagged behind: for a long time I was transferred from Visual Basic to C #, I did not know all the language tools - delegates, lambda expressions, linq. Many times I heard the words, but did not understand why design patterns are needed. It’s been a long time for WinForms, for a long time I switched to MVC from ordinary Asp.Net WebForms, I did not use version control. Yes, a lot of things passed by me.
Surely, I would have developed faster and saved hundreds of hours of my time, if somewhere I just found out a list of things that need to be mastered. But the problem is that there is a lot of information and it’s quite difficult to choose “where to dig”.

Many of my friends and acquaintances found themselves in a similar situation. This is especially true of those who work as a freelancer or is himself the leader of a small team. My colleagues and I wondered how to solve this problem, and one of the possible solutions is a conference in a special, not quite standard format.

Now the amount of available content for training exceeds our time budget. Therefore, the most important thing is to determine where to develop, so to say “where to dig”.
Nevertheless, the events, the announcements of which I occasionally see, did not give what I wanted.
For example, I do not want to sit for a long time in a chair in the audience and have to listen to a long report.
And I don’t want to pay an inflated price for “exclusive” content that I can find on the Internet.
I do not want to come and go without meeting anyone. What could be a useful solution? About this further.

Correcting the situation for yourself

The last 5 years I have always had projects related to development on C #, so there was a need for education and development. And it remains - there is no limit to perfection.
Productivity has changed a lot since when I ran into Pluralsight courses - as they call themselves Hardcore Developer Training. I used to see a lot of different videos for developers - mini-tutorials on Microsoft sites (probably remember www.asp.net and the like), but everywhere the duration of the video was so huge that it was just a pity for its time. So I had to look through the most necessary lessons, and with other things just play in the code and pry on the Internet. Pluralsight also changed my attitude to video courses. The hours spent watching were worth it. What parameter has changed everything? The amount and quality of information per hour video.
Disclaimer: I do not advertise them, because I do not receive any material assistance, I pay access to them as needed. I don’t even give links to their site.


At least 50% of decisions in professional development, which I tend to consider to be correct, I did not find myself, but heard from other people whose opinion I listened to. A piece of information was enough for me - “where to dig”, and then with the implementation it was easy.
Moreover, I often wanted to continue communicating with those who gave me valuable information. With respect to colleagues, this is easy. But if you are in a remote team, or you yourself lead a small team or project, then you don’t have as many people to whom you can turn to. It's pretty sad when you know that someone could tell you, but you have to be alone with the sea of ​​information from the Internet.
If you think where, apart from colleagues, I could get such information, now I would answer - this is a special format of the conference.

Format that i don't want

My experience of attending events and organizing my couple said that the desire to learn “where to dig” is not from me alone.
But the formats of the events I attended did not give what I wanted. I was annoyed by the long reports, where only 20 minutes is the introduction. If the company or organizer paid for it, I went there just to eat and leave work early. I was annoyed by short enough breaks just to get to another hall, capturing water along the way. I was annoyed by the "elusiveness" of some speakers, who could not be found and questioned after the speech.
What I didn’t like in conferences that I saw but didn’t attend was a high price. Sometimes the event is interesting with its theme, but paying 7.000, 8.000 and 15.000 from your own or even your corporate pocket seemed pointless. It turns out that I am crying, and I also have to sit on the chair with a mannequin this time.
With that, I received high-quality content in lecture format for 1000 rubles per month on video courses at Pluralsight in much more comfortable conditions - in a chair, with a cup of tea and the opportunity to pause. In addition, if I want a full-time education with a focus on a top company - you can go to the Yandex Data Analysis School, Technopark of Mail.ru and the school of programmers at hh.ru.

So, perhaps I repeat, what I would not want:

How I see useful conferences

I want information to be collected, preferably on the horizon of my professional development, and just pointed with my finger - there is one, there is another. Choose! You want to know why we advise you this - ask. This is the first.
And I want to meet people like me. With whom I can help with something or he to me. One time I was at the Generation S start-up event and there was speed-deyting between project owners and developers. Very convenient - it seems that 5 minutes is not enough, but you can feel the person who is in charge of the project.

So what would I like myself:

What do you think?
What format would be good for you?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241037/

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