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Accident or predestination

Do random events exist in our universe or is everything predetermined? All the coincidences in our lives is an accident or pattern? I propose to try to deal with these issues. At once I will make a reservation that the article does not pretend to be scientific in any way and is merely an attempt to comprehend reality using the mathematical apparatus. To whom it is interesting, we read further.

If we consider the Universe as a nonlinear dynamic system, the state of which at time t can be described by a multitude of events, and assume causal relationships between events of time t and events of time t-1 (in other words, there is a relationship between the current and previous states systems), then we will be forced to conclude that some event (or a set of simultaneous events, which in fact can be considered as a single event that determines the initial state nye system) was the beginning and cause of being. As a result, it gave rise to many other events, each of which is following and so on until the current moment.

Thus, the Universe can be represented as a system of nonlinear differential equations. The greater the number of parameters taken into account, the greater the number of equations it will contain and the closer such a mathematical model will be to the real one. That is, by increasing the number of parameters and equations of the system to infinity, we obtain the complete mathematical model of the Universe. Even simple nonlinear dynamical systems with three parameters demonstrate very complex behavior, which is practically indistinguishable from random. You can imagine how the system will behave with the number of parameters tending to infinity.
Wikipedia defines randomness as a manifestation of external unstable links in reality, a manifestation of the result of the intersection (coincidence) of independent processes or events. In contrast, the need is defined as a characteristic of a phenomenon that is uniquely determined by a certain area of ​​reality predicted within the framework of knowledge about it. I think that the term was chosen not very well, so instead I will use predetermination.

Now you can try to deal with the question of the existence of random processes and events in our Universe. A process is nothing more than a sequence of events, so a random process will be called a sequence of random events (or a random sequence of events, the essence does not change). But, as can be seen from the above definition, randomness is possible only if there are independent processes or events, and this contradicts our model, in which all events and processes are interdependent. The interdependence is due to the initial state of the system, since in nonlinear dynamic systems even a small change in the initial state leads to unpredictable behavior of the system as a whole and each of the parameters separately. Therefore, it is not possible to change only one of the parameters, without affecting the others, therefore all subsequent states of the system depend on the previous ones. Thus, we come to the conclusion that it is impossible to have independent events in our model. This means that there is no chance in it. And what does exist? The system consists of a huge number of nonlinear elements, each of which has the freedom of choice and with a certain probability has a positive or negative effect on the system (in other words, contributes to the growth of either entropy or negentropy). Thus, we can only talk about the likelihood of an event, based on a chain of previous causal relationships. And hello quantum physics and thermodynamics.

What was all this written for? This text is an attempt to reflect on life experience in the light of existing scientific theories. And experience, like the above reasoning, leads to the conclusion that nothing happens in life by chance. And to believe in his majesty the case is as ridiculous as worshiping stone idols.

Well, in order to finish the very lengthy reasoning with an illustrative example, consider the following situation. Everyone knows the number of pi. It is calculated according to clear and specific rules, and therefore the sequence of decimal digits in it cannot be considered random. But what is the probability that the next calculated decimal digit in this sequence will be 9? And what is the probability that you will choose 9 out of ten proposed digits? And what is the probability that you guess the next digit of Pi? If someone is interested, he can try to find answers to these questions on his own, because I don’t have them.

Thanks for attention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241009/

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