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TeaVM is another way to launch Java in the browser

Dear readers! I want to share with you my open-source project, on which I have been working in my spare time for quite some time, TeaVM . TeaVM is a Java bytecode translator to JavaScript. There are several attempts to create a JVM in JavaScript, one of the most successful is Doppio . However, apart from the academic, they do not represent any value, since the speed of interpretation of the byte code leaves much to be desired. Moreover, in order to interpret bytecode, it is necessary at least to load this bytecode into the browser, and this degenerates into downloading tens of megabytes of class files.

In contrast, TeaVM does not interpret bytecode, but generates JavaScript, which performs exactly what baytcode would do if it were run in a real JVM. Simply put, TeaVM decompiles Java bytecode, but not back to Java, but to JavaScript. Of course, all this is true to certain limits. First, JavaScript simply lacks certain things familiar to Java developers, such as threads, full Unicode support (for example, support for character classes, regular expressions), blocking I / O. Secondly, this is due to the requirements that I imposed on the compiler. For example, in TeaVM, reflection support is very limited. This is a consequence of one of the advantages of TeaVM - the relatively small size of the generated file. No, TeaVM does not generate the lowest possible javascript, however, it will not generate huge multi-megabyte scripts for every sneeze. Reflection makes it impossible for any static analysis, so it was decided to abandon it.

Before I continue, I want to show for the beginning what TeaVM is capable of. Firstly, it is able to simulate physics in real time. Secondly, he is still able to draw beautiful pictures in Canvas by this physics. You can see that the javascript files are relatively small. By the way, I didn’t implement the physics calculation myself, I just took the existing JBox2D library.

TeaVM was conceived as a tool for a developer who would be suitable for developing browser-based Java applications, and not as another academic project. I believe that this kind of tool should have the following characteristics:

All of the above is somehow implemented in TeaVM. True, I can't just take it and implement it all at once, so only Maven is supported from the build systems, while Eclipse is supported from the IDE. Plans to make support for other IDE and build systems.

Project creation

I tried to make the creation of a new project as simple as possible. To do this, just execute the following command in the console:
 mvn -DarchetypeCatalog=local \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.teavm \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=teavm-maven-webapp \ -DarchetypeVersion=0.2.1 \ archetype:generate 

If you are a Windows user, you will need to rewrite this command slightly. And even easier - take the appropriate details and use them to create a new Maven-project in the IDE. By the way, if your IDE is Eclipse, then it makes sense to install the plugin from the repository .

With the existing project can play. If you have questions, you can refer to the documentation . And if you did not find the answer to your question in the documentation, publish it in the form of an issue in GitHub.

Eclipse plugin

The code for production is generated by the build system, but when developing, rebuilding the project each time is not very convenient. After all, this requires each time to launch maven, that is, to start a new JVM, which takes time to warm up. This means that the assembly will be slow. By running the same build in the already-heated JVM in which the IDE runs, you can achieve a significant increase in build speed. In addition, in the IDE, it is possible to start building and publishing JavaScript when the source code changes. In this way, you can achieve the cycle that is traditional for regular JavaScript - you saved and updated the page in the browser. Actually, this feature is implemented in the plugin for Eclipse.

Another thing I consider necessary is the automatic setup of the project. For example, if a new participant comes to the project, then you really do not want to force him to read a long manual on setting up the project in the IDE, which, moreover, contains errors, so you also have to spend your time to help the newcomer. Or, if I wanted to work on a project in the country with a laptop, I really do not want to repeat the steps that I once did in the office. If the project is going to Maven, then IDE will open and configure it as needed. I did not want to deprive this opportunity of developers who use TeaVM, so I also created a configurator for the m2e. This made it possible for the developer to only import the Maven project or create a project from the archetype, after which the project can be run on a ready-made server and enjoy the development, as can be seen from the tutorial .

Finally, the ability to debug code is very important. GWT has DevMode, which runs the code in the JVM and connects to the browser, passing all native JavaScript calls to it. However, due to the termination of NPAPI support in some browsers, it became impossible to further support the browser plugin, which accepted connections and executed DevMode commands. I must say that these are not the GWT developers who are so bad that they don’t want to rewrite the plugin, these browser developers are so bad that they won’t figure out how to make friends with JavaScript with synchronous I / O.

Alternatively, the GWT team suggests using SuperDevMode , which
based on source maps . Source maps are bad because the developer is forced to debug the code in the wrong place in which he writes it. Moreover, the browser does not provide all the cool chips that are available in the IDE. Finally, source maps simply cannot translate such things as the names of variables, fields, methods, classes.

What did I do? If the browser understands source maps, then let source maps understand the IDE. But just let it be improved source maps. As a result, in addition to the standard source maps, TeaVM generates its debugging information, and also contains a plugin that allows you to use this debugging information in Eclipse. If you want to see what happened, you can try it yourself.

Summing up, I want to note that the plugin for Eclipse is not just a tool, but also a kind of proof of concept, showing that based on the functionality available in TeaVM, it is quite possible to create plugins for the IDE. Implementing plugins to other IDEs is now a matter of technology.


In fact, the project is still evolving and developing. There are many plans, just some of them:

Why not ...

... GWT?

I write quite a lot on GWT, and I am very unhappy with this framework. The idea to generate javascript from source is extremely unfortunate.

In addition, I have a number of complaints about how GWT is implemented, namely:

At the same time, I don’t like to write in JavaScript, especially because of the dynamic nature of the language. Therefore, I choose GWT from two evils, but I want something better.

... emscripten?

At first glance, TeaVM is very similar to emscripten . So why don't I just translate java bytecode into LLVM? After all, LLVM already contains a ready implementation of SSA. The thing is that LLVM is very low-level. This is good, when a program is compiled into a native code, but when it is decompiled into a high-level language, some overhead is obtained. After all, JavaScript already has such concepts as fields, methods, GC. And in LLVM, this would all have to be emulated again in JavaScript. Another reason is that TeaVM is completely written in Java, the compiler can, for example, be zapped, which would not be possible in the case of LLVM and emscripten. Finally, TeaVM uses slightly more powerful decompiling algorithms than the emscripen.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240999/

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