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Courses of ethical hacking and penetration testing

Ethical hacking and penetration testing courses.

If you are fond of information security and want to improve your skills in a short time - we offer you to get acquainted with the updated training programs in the field of practical information security from Pentestit.

Developing ethical hacking courses that are unique in their format and methods of training: “Zero Security: A” (initial training) and “Corporate laboratories” (professional training) , we try to make training not only effective, but also convenient. The main difference between the training programs is that the first is designed for basic training in the field of ethical hacking, and the second - for professional training not only ethical hacking, but also building effective information security systems. In any case, even experienced specialists who visited the first program discover something new, not to mention Corporate Laboratories, which include material comparable in level with reports at professional hacker conferences. In addition, each set is updated with new material, which allows transmitting the most relevant information at the time of training to specialists undergoing training.

The uniqueness of the training programs lies in the symbiosis of the training format (fully distant, not requiring separation from work and study), the quality of the material and the specialized resources on which the training takes place.

Theory or practice

As a rule, having listened to the courses, the specialist has the impression that the material is quite understandable. However, when performing practical tasks in the laboratory, there are problems associated with the application of the knowledge gained in "combat" conditions. It is necessary to link the psychology of the attacker with the methodology of pentest and knowledge of utilities - it is for these purposes that specialized laboratories are developed as part of training programs. The learning process itself takes place in stages and looks as follows: after each group of online webinars, the specialist performs practical tasks in a specialized CTF laboratory, thereby consolidating the knowledge gained in practice.

After all the tasks in the CTF lab are completed, the specialist is invited to perform the Pentest of this corporate network of the virtual company - the examination lab. It is important to note that webinars make up about 20% of the total training program, the remaining 80% are practice. Experience shows that it is precisely this ratio that makes it possible to produce the learning process as effectively as possible.


For the convenience of webinars, we abandoned the use of third-party solutions by developing our own webinar-platform Hypercube24, in which we tried to take into account all the wishes of the listeners. In addition to the smooth operation, the platform allows you to view webinars in HD mode.

At webinars, which are held on weekends, Pentestit employees share practical experience in the field of information security, as well as talk about modern methods and tools for penetration testing. The knowledge gained is consolidated in practice on weekdays. If a question arises, the listener can always ask his instructor and get a comprehensive answer.

Demo recordings of new training programs
"Zero Security: A". Horst - utility for analyzing Wi-Fi networks

"Zero Security: A". MetasploitHelper.

"Corporate Laboratories: Standard". Timing attack on ssh.

"Corporate laboratories". Use MITM and Backdoor Factory, or patch binaries on the fly.

"Corporate laboratories". Raising privileges in Linux. Race condition.


All practical training takes place in specialized pentest laboratories developed on the basis of corporate networks of real companies, with their inherent vulnerabilities and configuration errors. Practical training takes place under the guidance of an experienced curator. It is important to note that the curator, first of all, tries to help the employee to understand the attack vector, and only as a last resort - will explain the process of completing the task. Of course, this method increases the time for searching and exploiting vulnerabilities, but it contributes to the acquisition of skills in full, understanding the process of actions of the attacker, developing unconventional thinking.

Let's sum up

Considering the needs of specialists , we have developed a special training program for elementary ( “Zero Security: A” ) and professional training ( Pentestit Corporate Laboratories ), the uniqueness of which lies in the symbiosis of the training format (fully remote, not requiring separation from work and study), the quality of the material and specialized resources on which the training is carried out:

Thus, the lessons in Pentestit allow you to understand the psychology of the attacker, to master modern penetration testing techniques and tools. Understanding what can be a threat to systems and what is not, allows us to develop the most effective protection mechanisms. In addition, training programs lay qualitative vectors for the further development of employees.

We invite all novice hackers to take courses "Zero Security: A" (initial training) .
Duration 14 days
The nearest course date 06/18/2016

For advanced specialists in the field of information security, we offer to improve the skills and level of our professional training in courses.
"Corporate laboratories" (training) .
Duration 21/29 days (depending on the level chosen)
The nearest course date 07/08/2016


Outdated material for initial training in 2013
Basics of network infrastructure security. Part 1.

Basics of network infrastructure security. Part 2.

Intelligence and information gathering. Part 1.

Intelligence and information gathering. Part 2.

Intelligence and information gathering. Part 3

Outdated material on advanced training in early 2014
Network infrastructure security. Advanced methods of hacking and protection. Part 1.

Network infrastructure security. Advanced methods of hacking and protection. Part 2.

Network infrastructure security. Advanced methods of hacking and protection. Part 3

Network infrastructure security. Advanced methods of hacking and protection. Part 4

Network infrastructure security. Advanced methods of hacking and protection. Part 5.

Pentestit Corporate Laboratories 2015
Actual attack vectors, BYOD and APT

Building effective information security systems

Intercepter-NG as a unique tool for conducting automated network attacks

Web Security: the nature of SQL injection, XSS basics, and tools for exploiting web vulnerabilities

Corporate network penetration testing. Part 1

Corporate network penetration testing. Part 2

Phishing - a modern security threat

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240995/

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