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How to debug your brain

Translation of Oliver Emberton's article “How to debug your brain”. The original can be found here .

Our brains - the most buggy stuff after Internet Explorer.

To play one common bug, try to order yourself to "go to the gym." The brains of most people in response will update the status on Facebook and begin to watch videos with kittens. This is not the expected behavior.

Fortunately, I developed a patch. But first, let me tell you how this whole brain works.

The code is terrible

In our brain it is clear that it was developed by a group of ten thousand alcoholic monkeys. Well, like windows 8.

The brain is event-oriented , that is, in fact, it does almost nothing until the occurrence of any event to which it then reacts. Burn your hand - pull it away. Rumbling in the stomach - looking for food.

Unfortunately, a lot of events. There are events for the reaction to the hit on the eyes of shiny pieces, or monsters, or boobs. In fact, 856 different events are provided for boobs, but I digress. And all these events flash in our brains, competing for our limited computing power.

Late in time, the developers realized that such an architecture would leave us white-and-white like kittens catching a beam from a pointer, and wrote a priority processing system as a “crutch”.

Unfortunately, the system turned out to be pretty: by default, sitting out has priority over troublesome activities.

Well, no, we are smarter ... uchi, what a squirrel! ..

But don't we have some clever and conscious piece of brain? Well, what makes calculations, plays chess and writes off Ani's homework?

Well yes. But that piece is also event-oriented, that is, not always included. We have, it turns out, debugged under energy efficiency brains, and they turn to the CPU (Cerebral Processor Node) only when absolutely necessary. If you have ever been able to say that you didn’t notice how you drive a car for an hour, it is because your mind was in standby mode.

This consciousness tells you to go in for sports despite your reluctance, because it recognizes that the long-term benefit outweighs the short-term inconvenience. And, if it is at the helm, you submit. But consciousness eats a lot of energy. When your brain battery starts to sit down, your mind easily overlaps with the priority that is playing Hearthstone or squeezing out strongest acne.


Let's add another event to fix it. Non-programmers will call it a "habit."
Triggered our new event in response to the transition. For example, you woke up - this is a transition. Arrived at work - the transition. Returned home - another one.
Just during the transition, we can catch the most priority of all the events that come to our brain at that moment. If you returned home, the event is probably called “I squeezed out” and you will collapse on the sofa. We need to prevent this.

Here is our event:

Do not worry, if you do not fumble in Brain Programming (B #) - just remember the three words: “No. Straight. Now. ”(“ No. Right. Now. ”) Let's decompose in parts:


First of all, we interrupt all other events. The trick is to overcome the distractions in expressing your intention to the limit simply. How much simpler than "No"?
“No” simply means giving up on everything. Want to check Facebook - the answer is "no." Someone asks if you have a minute - the answer is no. If it infuriates someone, still no.
Do not complicate this principle with exceptions. They will still happen - if your house is on fire, the instinct will still prevail. But 99.9% of our entire modern life is the greatest danger to you, your outdated instincts and urges. Start with no to everything.
If you are afraid of being considered a sociopath, denying everything and everyone, then nothing. Later you will have time for all these distractions. Tell the people about it . The trick is to first deal with all significant .


Ask yourself what important task you are facing right now. I did not say "three . " Only one can remain.

You hardly have to guess for long. The conscious part of your brain should have solved this last night. Usually, this is the only thing that you always want to do, but you will not find time.
Here it is important to put importance on urgency . The most important things in life, such as a healthy diet, are rarely urgent. The buggy event handler in our brain copes well with the urgent - on the phone, there, answer - and myself. So, if you have a choice, choose importance to the detriment of urgency . From such a choice, with time, a great benefit.


Get to the task "right" in front of you immediately. Not after checking the mail - immediately . Do not even give yourself time to think , just start . The beginning is always the most difficult, but the same inertia, which makes it difficult to start, makes it difficult to stop halfway.

This simple patch works because at the moment of transition your brain reacts extremely malleable to events. He needs to determine a further course of action, and, having chosen him at this moment, he usually adheres.
Unfortunately, during the transition, we usually make stupid decisions because we don’t think about them:

By interrupting the transition with the right choice, you will find that you are doing significant things more often:

Remember only: “No. Straight. Now. ”Three short words for the algorithmization of the habit that will change your life.
As for fixing Windows 8, I have no idea how.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240935/

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