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Information for customers or for the protection of programmers

Hello colleagues!

I am a programmer (web developer). For a long time I was going to write a memo for my clients and wrote here. It seems to be good (self-esteem). Everything in this list, I lived and live in my practice. I decided to share with you, it may be useful to someone to adjust the attitude of the customer in the best direction for you.

1. Dear customers, you don’t even imagine how many of your hidden problems programmers (developers) solve when working on your projects, especially as regards projects “picked up on the road” (projects for revision).
2. If the programmer says what he will do in 2 days, and if he does in 10 days, he has that right! In the work of the programmer there are not and cannot be normalized processes *. Therefore, your claim on the terms leave with you.

3. Remember that by hiring a programmer, you only pay for the execution. The programmer should not invent for you. If the programmer comes up with for you - multiply the cost of work by 2-5 times, if there were no other arrangements.

4. Technical assignment (TZ) - must provide the customer. If you do not have TZ, you can ask for help from the performer, but know that this is a paid service. Remember that without a distinct TK - the result will be HZ. Therefore, keep your claims for the result.

5. Know and remember that you always underestimate the work of a programmer. You always pay less than the work actually costs. You explicitly or implicitly use the fact that the programmer is not a seller!

6. Know that the longer you retain an employment relationship with a programmer, the safer and better for your project. The longer a programmer works on your project or projects, the higher his value as a specialist (employee). The salary of the programmer should constantly grow only because of the experience itself.

7. By offering penny budgets for work, you thereby expose yourself to various risks. The programmer is forced to take projects from several customers in order to provide a decent income for themselves. Some examples: Because of the work on several projects, the programmer may not have enough sleep, which may affect the quality of your project. If the programmer finds better conditions for himself, he will leave your project. The demand for programmers is huge!

8. Never save on programmers and hosting. For your projects, use only physical servers (DS) or VDS / VPS.

9. Always pay more than the programmer calls - it motivates. Remember that a programmer is not a salesperson and hesitates to call it more or not think well because of chronic fatigue, despite the fact that the work of a programmer costs more than the numbers you can see on the Internet.

10. Always be guided by a period of 2-5 times more from what the programmer calls. If you reproach the programmer for the deadlines, then you will receive a portion not of the code, but of the govnokod. And you do not even know about it! A programmer will always strive to do his job well if the customer has not previously demotivated him. Better just expect the result.

11. A programmer who calls the work of another programmer, more often with the aim of exalting himself, is a complete asshole. A professional and an adequate person will never become personal, and will treat someone else’s work with understanding.

12. Remember that you never pay for the beauty and accuracy of the code, never give time to restore order. Therefore, get a corresponding result.

13. Know that an emergency is when a person is in intensive care, everything else is not urgent! For software projects urgently does not happen. If it is urgent for your project, then most likely:

  1. You do not know how to plan.
  2. You pay a penny, and why you are without a permanent programmer and system administrator.
  3. You are a salesman whom the customer is grumbling.
  4. You have broken something in the project, and since you do not have a permanent programmer and system administrator for the reasons from point 2, it is therefore urgent for you.

14. Know that a programmer may not show the result for a long time, especially a visual one, but this does not mean that there is no result at all. A programmer can “do nothing” all day long, that is, not to write code, but this does not mean that he is not working on your order. Work can go and at the level of thoughts! Or a programmer can work on another project in parallel, but know that all professional experience will only have a positive effect when working on your project. If you do not know about such things - this is one thing, if you do not accept such features, then you are a bad customer!

15. Know that the profession of a programmer is a creative profession. Not always the programmer can work for 8 hours. Working time in days, the programmer must distribute in their own way!

16. If you order the services of a freelance programmer, especially through the “Secure Deal”, consider setting the weekends for the programmer on time, and think about the fact that the programmer does not work 24 hours a day.

17. If you pay a programmer monthly (salary), in any case, do not tie the salary to the result. Pay on time always, even if the result is not on time. Otherwise, the programmer will leave you. A programmer is such a profession, where there are no exact terms *, so because of your not understanding this, the programmer will begin to worry because of the instability in receiving wages and will be forced to take third-party projects to hedge themselves. Because of this, the programmer will be tired, will not get enough sleep, your project (s) will suffer. Only you are to blame for this!

18. If you are a customer from the Russian Federation, then know that the minimum income of a programmer must be 60,000 rubles. Strive to provide this minimum income.

19. Know that more often you are called a term and cost only for development. The time mentioned does not include the testing and technical optimization phase. Let's take extra time plus one month.

20. Technical optimization of the project is paid for separately and this process can take a long time.

21. Programmers are a special caste and do not argue! If you are not a programmer with a decade of experience or not a programmer at all, but think that you understand something about the work of a programmer, while thinking, like “Yes, what’s unusual here”, “You don’t program, you use the framework” or that a programmer is an ordinary office worker, you do not know about the work of a programmer - nothing !!! More often, in contrast to the usual office worker, the programmer is constantly engaged in his education, knowledge, self-learning.

22. The ideal customer is the one who pays well and pays on time. Which does not control every hour or every day, but silently waiting for the result.

“To lead is to prevent good people from working.”
Peter Kapitsa

23. On long-term projects, immediately agree on “iterations” (working stages) in 1 or 2 weeks. For example, the programmer works for 2 weeks, then shows or talks about the results. During the iteration, leave the programmer alone. Do not control. After reporting, the next iteration begins. Remember that for a new project, the first iterations should be longer before the first visual results appear. The programmer will love you for it!

24. You are asking for a blue button with a new function. Visually for you it’s just a blue button and you think it’s fast, and for a programmer it could be two days of work! The blue button may entail writing a new module, a bunch of auxiliary functions and classes. And visually - it's just a blue button. Yes, you really do not know anything about the work of the programmer.

25. Agree on a periodic time to communicate on Skype. After that, do not disturb the peace of the programmer by a sudden appearance in Skype. Otherwise, the programmer will disable Skype or ignore you. It is better to write by e-mail, the programmer is always busy and will respond in turn.

26. If you think that a programmer is an asshole, maybe it is, but if you look at the root, then it was made by customers and the environment. The whole environment of the programmer (system administrator, computer programmer), always trying to use his personal knowledge and experience for free.

27. Always pay extra programmer time. Even if he spent half an hour and refuses to accept material gratitude, offer a sum or ask her to name it. Pay anyway!

28. An office programmer, you must provide a comfortable chair and, in general, a good and modern workplace.

29. You should know this - your programmer is the best! Take care and take care of your programmer.

* There are exact dates, only in large specialized software development companies, where all processes are divided into small portions. But this is most likely not in your case.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240825/

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