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VexorCI - a fresh look at continuous integration

Hi, Habr.
My name is Oleg Balbekov, I want to tell you about our new project Vexor CI .


Vexor CI is a cloud-based continuous integration integration service for developers that allows you to effectively test projects.
Developers use CI services daily, but most of them are expensive, slow, inefficient and impose large restrictions on usage.


We have a fair price (per minute payment) and unlimited capacity for each. For everyone who connects, we give $ 10 and do not charge while you set up the service. We have the most friendly Russian-speaking support (in my face). Get connected!

Now about everything and in order.

Continuous integration is the practice of software development, which is to perform frequent automated project builds to identify and solve integration problems as soon as possible. Usually this is an automatic test run after each commit.

You will rightly object: after all, at the moment there are many solutions for continuous integration, why was it necessary to do one more? Let's talk about them.


Why do I need Vexor, if I already chasing my tests on my laptop?

Most developers write tests (unit tests or integration tests) and run them locally on their computer, but there are several problems with this approach. First, the resources of the computer itself are limited, which means the tests will begin to slow down as their number increases. Secondly, at some point you can just forget about the tests and stop them from running, especially if the tests pass in more than 10 minutes.

As a result, you make mistakes and bugs end up in production. Vexor, however, runs the tests automatically at every commit: you don’t need to remember about the tests, they just eat and work. And if you make a mistake, Vexor will inform you about it. Using the service of continuous integration, you improve the quality of your work.

Yes, but ...

I already have an open-source solution installed on our server.

Well, let's speculate and calculate.

So, for an open-source solution installed on your hardware, you need a good server. You also need to administer the server and spend the time of your developers or hire a system administrator.

All these costs can be even greater than the cost of a cloud solution.

In addition, you will spend a lot of time to install the solution. If, in the case of Vexor, you only need to configure your project under CI, in other cases you will need to configure not only your project, but also CI itself.


Open-source solution installed on your hardware needs to be serviced. Once a month it will fall, and you will encounter a lack of support. You will have to spend at least 2 - 4 hours of developer time per month for maintenance. As soon as a person who was previously engaged in maintenance leaves your team, there will be no one to do his work. Usually, with open-source solutions, the manager gets a headache and extra costs.

What about finances?

For some reason, it turns out that you need to pay for all Continuous Integration services, even if you have not used them.

Look, when using CI, you must buy a server and pay for it monthly. Or buy a subscription in the cloud solution for a limited amount of allocated resources.

Even if you were on vacation and did not commit anything - you pay for a month, and pay for the equipment around the clock. Think about it, do you work at night? And on weekends? But you pay for the server or resources on which your CI will “spin”.

Vexor is a per minute payment for the actual use of resources. With us you only pay for the minutes we use to run your tests. There were no commits for a month - the score is zero. Information on the average check is on our website (Average monthly cost).

Well, finally ...

You are always limited by the power of your local server, and at some point you start to lack speed.

We are a cloud service that can simultaneously provide you with as much power as you need. In case you make 10 commits in a row, your open-source CI will execute them sequentially. Vexor will instantly allocate 10 servers to you and do everything in parallel. In this case, you pay only for the minutes that we really spent on working with your tests.

Okay, but...

I already use the cloud CI service!

As I already wrote, most likely you:
- limited in resources;
- experiencing problems with speed;
- pay a subscription and pay for idle time, even if you do not use the service;
- Pay trite expensive, even if your project is still at the growth stage.

Friends, connect to Vexor and get rid of these restrictions and unfair cost.
You can try Vexor for free. We give all connected users $ 10 to the account and do not charge until you set up your project.




We welcome any feedback, advice or your ideas.

Email me at oleg@vexor.io and follow us on Twitter .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240747/

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