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12 great examples of email lists for abandoned baskets

Your online store works well: you have traffic on the site, customers are satisfied with the products. You are doing great and it is impossible to increase sales without an additional budget for Internet marketing? What about abandoned baskets?

Another research conducted by American experts showed that 67.45% of visitors abandon checkout. This means that you get only â…“ potential sales of an online store.

Naturally, working with abandoned baskets, you will not increase sales by 3 times, since not all users were originally going to buy something, but nevertheless the potential for increasing sales by working with abandoned baskets is very large. There are many reasons why online store visitors do not complete an order, but today we’ll talk not about the reasons, but about how to influence those who have already left your site without placing an order.
In this article we will look at one of the main ways of working with abandoned baskets - email marketing, and also tell you about what services exist for the implementation of the strategy for returning abandoned baskets.

What is mailing with abandoned baskets?

Mailings with abandoned baskets are sending emails to those users who put the product in the basket but did not complete the order.

According to the data of SaleCycle , users open about half of the letters with abandoned baskets, a third follow the link in the letter and continue processing the abandoned order. Buyers leave the order for various reasons: technical problems on the site, too complicated order form. Therefore, it is important to return users and convince them to complete purchases.

Here is one example of this list:

This is a simple but very effective way to increase sales in the online store. However, even such large foreign retailers as Apple, Nordstrom, Gap do not use mailings with abandoned baskets. And lose money. You should not follow their example, look at those who use it.

2 important facts about mailings with abandoned baskets

A reminder that customers have forgotten in the cart

After a few hours of thinking, the user can still decide to make a purchase, which is why it is important to send him a letter with a reminder of what is in the basket, and give a link to the order.

It is also important that part of the visitors of the basket of your online store was not going to leave the ordering at all. According to the survey, 24% of visitors do not complete the order due to technical problems, and 15% due to the fact that the session on the site has expired. In addition, the site visitor could have technical problems with the site, and they still really want to make a purchase. Saving a cart or sending a newsletter with the goods they planned to buy is a great way to get users back to the site.

Let's look at an example of such a letter from the Hello Merch online store. It is made without any design and simply contains a list of what the user has forgotten in the basket. And, most importantly, the letter contains a direct link to ordering without going through the preliminary stages in the form of registration.

Here is an example of a letter with a forgotten basket from the Fifty Three store. Everything is just as simple, but there is the most important thing: a forgotten product and a call to action - to continue ordering.

Here is another example of an effective letter with an abandoned basket. Everything is perfect in it: design, copywriting, call to action.


In a letter from the online store Chubbies Shorts there is one distinguishing feature - a great selling text. The letter that you send to the user should be thought out, like any other marketing message. Therefore it is important to work out the subject of the letter, the text of the letter and the image.

Here are some good examples of using images in such letters:

There are several convincing factors in this letter:

Even those stores that have nothing to do with selling goods for pets use the image of cute animals to attract attention. Here is an example of such a letter:

Online store Black Milk Clothing is not afraid to use caps lok in the subject line: WHERE'D YOU GO ?! - “Where are you gone ?!”, as well as emotional phrases “to your things in the basket are lonely”, “to save the situation, click here”.
But 2 letters without puppies and caps Lok, but with excellent text:

The letter is addressed personally to the person. Help is offered to the user if there are problems when placing the order, and only then links to forgotten items in the basket are given.
And one more example:

This letter says that the buyer has forgotten the goods in the basket and soon they can be sold, so you need to hurry with the purchase. This is an effective psychological technique that allows to “squeeze” those who doubt the purchase. Buyers are afraid that the goods they wanted to buy will be sold, and therefore will hasten with the order.

Think about what techniques you can use for abandoned baskets: playing with the fear that the goods will be sold out, images of cute animals, creative copywriting.

So, in a letter with an abandoned basket, there must necessarily be those goods that “forgot” to buy and an easy way to go to the basket. There are a few tricks that will convince the user to complete the purchase.

Offer a discount

A large number of users leave the checkout due to the fact that the total purchase price was higher than they had planned. For example, these may be additional shipping costs.
Therefore, one of the options for convincing such users to make a purchase is to offer a discount. Here is one example of such a letter:

The main thing in this letter is that the discount can only be used within 48 hours, so the buyer needs to hurry with the decision.

Also in this letter there is additional convincing information about the guarantees of the store and free delivery, which does not influence the decision of the user to make an order in the online store.

In addition, the letter is personalized: there is an appeal by name, sent from a person, not from a robot and written in simple language.

So, you can use discounts as an argument for ordering, and you can start with simple address letters with a basket. How much better the use of discounts for you will show only a / b-testing of letters.


Above, we gave examples of visually simple letters, but very informative. But if you have resources in the form of a designer and coder, then use them to create outstanding letters. The visual component is very important: show the goods face, use photos of products in mailings with abandoned baskets. In mailings with abandoned baskets, the subject of the letter and content are very important, the visual component is also very important, in online stores these are photos of goods.
And here are some examples of such letters:

The difference between visually appealing letters and letters without design is the same as between the lack of email-mailings and their use. Therefore, if you have resources for the design and layout of such letters, then use them.

Store items in the cart

Another example of working with abandoned baskets is storing the goods in the basket for a limited time. Buyers understand that during sales and in stores with a small assortment, goods can be bought up quickly, so sending a message stating that goods have been set aside for them can be an excellent incentive to complete purchases.

Here is an example of such a letter from the Grove online store:

It says that the goods will be stored in the basket for 3 days and the buyer must hurry with the decision to purchase.

Of course, such a technique can be used in the event that there are enough goods available so that the situation when you keep the goods in the basket for those who do not make a purchase, depriving other users of this opportunity does not work out.

One last letter

All the techniques of working with abandoned baskets, which we discussed above, are in this letter:

But this is the last letter in a series of letters for abandoned baskets. 10% discount is not offered immediately.
First, a letter is sent with the information that the goods are stored in the basket and the link to it is given. Also, the letter indicates the phone number or email to contact if you need assistance in ordering.

And after that, a letter is sent asking why the buyer has not completed the order. This is a great way to get feedback on the buying process in the online store from the source and think about how to optimize it.

Ready to start posting with abandoned baskets?

Surely you have already seen that mailings with abandoned baskets can increase sales in the online store. And here are a few services to work with such mailings.

Convead is a smart CRM for online business that allows you to track all visitor interactions with the site, segment them and build a sales funnel, as well as create personalized effects. Including allows you to create email-lists with abandoned baskets.

CartRescure is a service with a 15 day trial version. There is a / b testing functionality for letters, polls. The minimum paid rate is $ 49 per month.

Rejoiner - a distinctive feature of this service for working with abandoned baskets - this is the design and layout of your first letter on the return of abandoned baskets. The service also provides all analytical information on mailings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240627/

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