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Have a good takeoff and soft landing. Landing page for end users

I have repeatedly been convinced that the market in some of its fields is a rather extensible substance. It would seem that there are so many proposals that are enough to satisfy any demand, but no - more and more new players are appearing who manage to find their niche in the long-lived segment and successfully work in it. A telling example is landings. Today, even social bearers and Tajik construction brigades are far from the Internet, entrepreneurs realize that without a competent landing board , which gives a high conversion , which is responsible for lead generation , well, just nowhere.

Beekeepers and builders may not understand the meaning of these terms, but they feel it in their gut, without all this in the modern world they cannot survive. Gardeners and gardeners know from experience the importance of planting. But on the inhabitants of Habr, the combination of these words usually produces the exact opposite action - only she saw it here, the majority, sticking a sweeping minus and not even looking under the cat, leaves to read something about how to code in Java / c ++ / Python. But do not rush to make hasty conclusions.
Disclaimer: Frivolous tone in relation to representatives of professions that are not related to IT, please consider only as a means of artistic expression, used for the sake of a more intelligible arrangement of all points above i.

Landing pagé, an important marketing tool, came into fashion several years ago. There are a lot of clever and pseudo-thinking articles about the benefits of landing pages, in which the same “win-win” recipe is presented with minor deviations: a “tasty” product description, visualization, a memorable design, all to action and reviews of happy owners. Mix it all up (but not shake it up) - and, oops, get your page. The recipe is used by a huge number of large companies, smaller desktops and single entrepreneurs, riveting these landings for sale. Landing designers put on a grand scale propose to create them independently and often for free. As a result, today the landing pages aren't doing anything that is lazy - it’s so profitable and relatively relaxed (and they wrote this more than once on Habré). And the demand seems to be enough for everyone, since they exist and do not die out.

Meanwhile, recently, the effectiveness of landing pages often disappoints their customers. The beekeeper or interior decorator receives his own landing page, and begins to wait for the flow of customers, but he is still not there. And he seems to understand that this is not all, and in order for Central Asia to be pushed to him, some additional work needs to be done, but the problem is that he doesn’t know what. And when he finds out, having asked his friends and acquaintances, it becomes sickening to him that in order for the client to go, he still needs to invest in this business a lot of hard earned money.

And then maybe two ways:

1. A beekeeper (builder, plowman, auto mechanic or mechanic) scores on his work, immerses himself in the study of equipment, trying to figure out what split testing is or to learn the basics of SEO and HTML. Certain knowledge, of course, receives (self-education is fine), but their superficiality and lack of practice do not allow him to bring his landing page to the proper level. In the meantime, he spends time studying the basics, somewhere in the world one programmer is sad , in his immediate line of activity he does not have time to harvest or is missing a profitable order for installing suspended ceilings.

2. Landing owner is looking for outsourcing, and trying to do the minimum cost. Separately pays for SEO, separately for SMM, and launches contextual advertising. And as a rule, he is disappointed - the buyer of his products costs him too much.

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The conclusion here is clear: the specialist should do his own thing. Beekeeper - bees, the builder - repairs, auto mechanic - machines. Landing is allowed to do the one who does it professionally. The market is dynamic, his answer is quickly in any situation. At present, an entire category of companies offering an integrated approach and promising the user for his money, not an ephemeral clientele, but more or less specific lead generation, is present and actively selling its services.

What and in any sphere, the leaders are the formations that have managed to unite class specialists and advanced technologies, which gives them the opportunity to offer the user a finished product ready for consumption. In the context of this article, there are projects that offer the user a set of tools for increasing conversion and effective lead generation.

In Runet, there are several such - LPgenerator, LPMotor, SoloMoto, the leading company of its blog on Habré, Witget - there are stronger and weaker ones that have reached the limit of possibilities and are only developing. I’ll focus on one thing, because it is he who needs further support for venture capital for further development - at least, he does not hesitate to say this on our collective investment platform. Although at this stage of its existence, the Leadkit startup has something to offer its customers, and they already understand it.

In order to offer the user the best product, Leadkit has combined practically all possible and necessary tools for successful lead generation.

The functionality allows you to control the difficult process of creating and using the landing page as intended within one service. Leadkit provides a comprehensive service that includes the development of a unique design of the landing page, its publication on the Web and hosting, attracting traffic, a series of A / B tests and the subsequent processing of incoming requests in a convenient CRM. Tools of statistics and analytics will determine the indicator of business success, and open source allows the client to directly edit his page, integrating all the necessary scripts and modules.

As a competitive advantage of the service, you can highlight a truly comprehensive solution for small business (from creating a landing page to its effective promotion) and user-friendly functionality that does not require special training from entrepreneurs.

Currently, the service is a well-established business with a developed clientele and stable orders, monetized through the sale of tariffs and services to create landings and lead generation. In addition, for web studios and advertising agencies, Leadkit has a White Label rate, which allows its customers to offer a service under their own brand without any mention of its real authorship. What did the service need investments from outside, its co-founder Dmitry Belozerov will tell :

Dmitry, why do you need investments, at first glance, the process is running, everything is fine-tuned?

- Yes, everything is in order with the functionality, there are customers too. Funds are needed primarily for advertising (SEO, CPA, content marketing, mass marketing, telemarketing). In addition, in the near future, we plan to offer users 200 new templates, and in the future to develop a new system interface.

- Clear. Tell me about yourself, about the project, when you realized that it was time to do what you are doing now?

- I have been developing websites since 2007, previously I worked at BlackSun, LPGenerator, Block, Discond. The first work was the creation of turnkey websites, they were terrible and were done through Dreamweaver, the design was mine too. The next stage was an advertising agency, where I served as an HTML coder and SEO optimizer. There, I began to study website building in more detail, and how the Internet marketing that emerged in those years works. Gaining experience, got a job in a large Moscow group of companies SEO-optimizer. When he began to confidently navigate in this position and optimized his work, there appeared quite free time. I took up orders for the development of turnkey websites, and initially all the profits from the development went to freelancers, I myself was content with the chance to get an order for website promotion. Little by little, knowledge and understanding of web development grew, assembled a group of freelancers and purposefully engaged in development. Then I got acquainted with a cheerful, successful LPGenerator team, helped them raise the production of landing pages, and held the position of head of development (Head of design). Well, in the end, together with the second co-founder Sergey Belov, they decided to establish their own service to help small and medium businesses to increase sales through lead generation.

-Do you promise investors any prospects?

- Of course. In the future, with the help of investments, we intend to reach a qualitatively different level in order to attract the widest masses of users, and even move away from technical terminology, offering customers to create not just “landing” at our facilities, but to build a working business with the whole range of necessary tools . Accordingly, this will affect the profitability of the project and the growth of its capitalization.

- Work business? That is, if an aspiring entrepreneur addresses you - a shoemaker, a tailor, a beekeeper))) (he was given to me) who decided to sell the fruits of his craft, his experience, can you help him with this?

- Yes, the expansion of our service is exactly what it assumes - to remove from the client the worries about the Internet component of his business.

- Thank you, Dmitry! I hope Leadkit will succeed in this.

As usual, you can acquire a stake in the project on the VCStart collective investment platform . There you can see dozens of other Russian start-ups, the future of which depends largely on your support and financial participation. Currently, 478 projects are registered on our platform, of which 69 start-ups have already successfully passed moderation and are at the stage of fundraising. In our blog, we introduce you to the most worthy of them. Stay with us.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240621/

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