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Voting on projects for VoCore microcomputer (wi-fi, openwrt)

In our first publication about a microcomputer the size of a coin, with Wi-Fi and Linux - VoCore, we announced a competition for a free microcomputer for the development of our project / idea. Over 40 applications were received (thanks to all the participants!), We tried to select 15 of them for voting.

By the way, what's on the photo?
In the photo - a version of the Dock VoCore - microcomputer with Ethernet, USB and micro-usb for power. Let me remind you that we continue to collect those who wish to purchase VoCore, the details are at the end of the article.

Well, make yourself comfortable, and choose - which VoCore application project will be most interesting to you (imagine that you have 3 pieces of VoCore - and to whom you would distribute them - vote after the article).

1. Firmware for CyberWrt

Posted by: CyberBot
Project site: http://cyber-place.ru/
Project Description:
For VoCore create firmware CyberWrt
There are already many ready-made projects in the CyberWrt firmware, the firmware is convenient for beginners.
To understand what projects already have a look demo
Description of CyberWrt modules
The modules are all in the public domain, they are created by CyberWrt users themselves.

2. SqueezeWRT

Author: Andrey

Logitech Media Server compatible network audio player.
The prototype based on an Internet router with a USB-DAC for about six months is the main player in the home audio system.
Access to all the findings of the processor that VoCore provides will allow the player to be equipped with an IR remote control, use the “sound” interfaces I2S and SPDIF, organize the display of the player's status and “local” navigation through the music library.
In the future, I am considering the possibility of developing and producing a small series of finished products with VoCore as a mezzanine board on the main board of the product.

Link to the project: Hi-Fi Forum, Squizbox do-it-yourself
About the author :
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Since childhood, amateur radio. Engineer - developer of electronic equipment. A bit of circuitry, mostly programming micro (and not so) controllers and FPGA. Have experience with OpenWRT, and microelectronics.

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3. LED display

Posted by: Denis
LED display for information display, commercials, films.
The advantages of the VoCore microcontroller in miniature and speed. With this processor speed, you can show movies.

Examples of light boards

4. small monitor computing environment

Author: Alexander
The idea to create a device that intercepts traffic on (Wi-Fi, 10 / 100M Ethernet). To catch traffic from the "network periphery" to monitor. Further 2 implementations are possible: 1) firewall implementation. 2) Search and attack of vulnerable networks.

Difficult monitoring is supposed to be conducted on a specialized computational core. The computational monitoring power will be directly dependent on the computational core. And it can vary from one mobile device to a group of computers (5 - 15). As a result, you can protect yourself from any vulnerabilities.

Why choose VoCore? In view of its small size, it can be used as a portable module for testing (you can take it on the road and be safe).

The device will be able to inform you about the safety of the environment, as well as to check the reliability of your network by running a set of attacks.

At the moment there is a development based on VAR-DT44CustomBoard. But I would like to realize something mobile by narrowing the circle of tasks.
Why I refused only from the software implementation. Firstly, it is not always possible to use software monitoring on the end device. Since a device with limited power (TV or smartphone) can act as a “consumer” device. Also, we can not use the settings of the router, etc. since in public we don't have access

PS Photo VAR-DT44CustomBoard to compare sizes.

About the author :
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I study and work in the field of IT autometry. I am engaged in the development of various modules based on computing modules with ARM, AVR architecture. As a result of the completed project, I can cite the publication issc.nsu.ru/upload/issc14/29%20Mechatronics%20and%20Automation.pdf (Development of an absolute optical encoder interface module with an ARM telescope control system controller). Major projects are closed projects and have not been published anywhere. Computer security hobbies are rewards in (Capture the Flag, Codegate ...)

Have experience with OpenWRT and microelectronics.

5. System for measuring mechanical vibrations with a remote sensor.

Author: Alexey
An I2C ADC is installed on each VoCore and a 3-axis MEMS acceleration sensor is connected to it. Such a sensor is very convenient to use for measuring (observing) vibration parameters on hard-to-reach objects. Hard to understand means that for one reason or another it is difficult to lay the wire from the sensor to the recording equipment. This is especially important for measuring vibrations in moving (rotating) objects (transport, aviation).

The small size of VoCore will allow you to create a compact vibration sensor.
Low power consumption - provides long battery life
WiFi will provide sufficient speed of information transfer. One sensor generates a stream of 60 kbps. (The capabilities of ZegBee in this case are at the limit and this technology requires the use of special receivers. In the case of VoCore, a regular laptop can be used as recording equipment).

About the author:There is no experience with OpenWRT, but there is a good understanding of Linux in such tasks, there is experience in working with microelectronics.

6. Bridge for smart home

Author: Ilya
There is a problem in the market - the proposed servers for smart homes and modern smart LED bulbs in 90% of cases are not integrated into a single system. And the threshold of what to buy a smart light bulb is cheaper than a dimmer + a supporting dimming bulb, we have long gone and now smart light bulbs (of course, not all, I’m not talking about LIFX and Philips Hue) are 4-5 times cheaper. Therefore, there is a very strong need to create a bridge that will allow you to connect the protocol for ZigBee light bulbs (most smart light bulbs use it) and the most popular Z-wave protocol in the smart home systems or supported by the Wi-Fi server.

About the author:
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Briefly about our experience and motivation: there are two of us and we are reckless radio operators who have already received their crusts in the Radio Faculty of the Ural Federal. With our heads held high, we can say that each of us has 7 years of experience in developing projects in the field of electronics, ranging from hi-end audio equipment to automation systems and robots. In addition, we have “customers” if they can be called that, who are already ready to install the smart home system and this problem is particularly acute for us, which we voiced and with the help of your superhero shawl we can solve).

Have experience with OpenWRT, microelectronics.

7. Build OpenSCADA for VoCore

Posted by: renok
OpenSCADA is an open SCADA system built on the principles of modularity, multiplatform and scalability. SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) in translation: “Systems of supervisory control and data collection” is a term that is often used in the field of automation of technological processes. The OpenSCADA system is intended for: collecting, archiving, visualizing information, issuing control actions, as well as other related operations characteristic of a full-featured SCADA system. Among the devices for which there are ready-made packages - Nokia N800, N900, N950, N9, Raspberry Pi, Asus Nexus 7 II, etc. Transferring OpenSCADA to VoCore will significantly simplify the creation of telemetry and control systems, and expand their use (for example, auto, moto , monitoring the physiological state of a person), improve the aergonomics and usability of devices based on VoCore

About the author:
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An amateur poked in the gland, the crust of radio mechanics were obtained after successfully passing the exam back in 1992.
In. specialty Automation of technological processes and production. I work in the specialty.
In my free time I take into my hands a soldering iron, a hairdryer, an oscilloscope, and repairing hardware (laptops, computers, tablets ...). I'm trying to explain to my son what is Arduino, Linux, ASP NET

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8. Universal Automation Unit

Posted by: Jey
Creating a device for data collection and coordination of mechanisms. Key Features:
* Cloud synchronization (online operation) without additional settings of the router (port forwarding, etc.)
* Full work offline (without access to the network)
* Customizable web rules system
* Customizable web interface

An article on the project about the project with details: habrahabr.ru/post/224449
Section on the site about the project:

VoCore seems to be a good option for a basic device, where you can organize not only a system of rules, but also place some basic peripherals directly. In the prototypes used for the periphery, an additional Arduino controller was used (except for Wirenboard - everything is “on board”).

About the author :
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I work in the field of IT, I manage a small studio for the development of websites and mobile applications. For some time I have been developing the direction of automation and Smart Homes based on the MajorDoMo platform, the author of which I am.

smartliving.ru - site project open home automation
www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypFoe9a2esg - project presentation at the IV International Mobile Developer Forum

9. Informer

Posted by: DiscreteCat
Informer that provides data on current date / time, temperature from sensors: local and remote (via Bluetooth interface) and the presence of unread e-mail messages or messages in social networks. Also, the device has a web interface through which you can view temperature charts. The information is displayed on the LCD, in my case - this is MT-12864A. VoCore will significantly reduce the size and cost of the finished device. Now the layout uses Raspberry Pi.

About the author:
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A bit of electronics, a little programmer, a little guitarist.
Experience with OpenWRT is not, there is experience with microelectronics.
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10. VoCorePBX

Posted by: oxothuk_uae
Use VoCore as a home / office IP-PBX based on Asterisk with scalability (add handsets, connection to SIP providers, etc.), automatic call routing. In the simplest case, VoCore can perform IP-PBX functions without any of the leading equipment (access to the network via WIFI), but in this case it is only possible to make internal calls between SIP clients and exit to the PSTN through a SIP provider. Ideally, an additional “motherboard” with network and telephone plugs, power supply and FXO and FXS adapters and a connector for installing standard VoCore. The FXS adapter could be discarded, but then in case of problems with electricity, you can remain without any connection (in the case of FXS, you can provide a direct connection of analog TA to the line when the power is turned off)

The prototype is possible and exists, but I have not met, currently the functionality is organized on Mikrotik RB750GL (Openwrt) and Linksys SPA3102 (FXO / FXS). Earlier, Openwrt + PBX was installed and worked fine on TP-Link WR1043ND with features similar to VoCore. Among the shortcomings - the complexity of the configuration, but I'm an amateur. The size of the SPA3102 will most likely allow the Vocore to be placed inside the native housing for experiments, but these are crutches.

If you assemble a compact universal device, you can
1. Distribute through SIP telephony providers.
2. Become a SIP Telephony Provider and Earn Traffic

About the author:

11. OBCHR in miniature

Author: Dmitry
Creating a scale model of the Great Martial Humanoid Robot (OBCHR).

At this stage, the mechanics of the lower part are ready and active work is underway on the electronic-software part on the VoCore board, which will perform the following tasks:
- calculation of kinematics, movement dynamics
- system of preventing and stopping a fall
-connection with the command via Wi-Fi
- formation of control signals for engines
-processing data from sensors

From the periphery to the VoCore will be connected:
-UART / USB - RS485 converter for communication with servo motors
- Fee allegedly on STM32 (SPI / UART communication) for primary processing and filtering data from sensors
As sensors, it is supposed to use 4 FSR sensors in each leg + 9 axial IMU

In the future, it is planned to complete the development of the upper part of the robot and add a computer vision system to it.

About the author:
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About myself

Dmitry, 23 years old, Sagittarius, single

I have long been fond of electronics and robotics. My first successful project in this area is a six-legged hexapod robot. Development of the hexapod began in 2010 and continues to this day, albeit at a much slower pace. The robot was presented at major Ural exhibitions, such as Innoprom, defense exhibitions in N. Tagil, etc., and was also repeatedly shown on local TV channels.
Robotics for me for the most part hobbies, hexapods and two-legged robots initially served as my graduation project at the end of college and undergraduate, respectively.

More photos

12. MeshVoCore

Posted by: seniorivn
The idea to make a Mesh WiFi node.
Based on habrahabr.ru/company/cjdns/blog/202536
Seeing VoCore which has OpenWrt and WiFi onboard, immediately thought of Mesh WiFi. For those who do not know what Mesh WiFi is: habrahabr.ru/post/196562
The idea: to make a device no larger than a charger unit from a mobile device, the heart of which will be VoCore, and when plugged in, it will automatically lift the WiFi network and connect to the WiFi Mesh. This will allow you to easily and easily raise the Mesh WiFi node anywhere, besides, if you are not interested in Mesh, you can be content with a simple WiFi repeater.

About the author:
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student, related experience only in the installation of OpenWrt, and other linux systems on a variety of hardware, from routers to PCs and tablets.

13. Smart home platform

Author: Yaroslav
A network like the Internet of things.
The idea is to create a platform and server software.

A device that could control anything, and that would easily integrate into an existing network.
The user writes a config file, where he describes all the inputs - outputs, processing, names, and so on. and writes to the device. Next, the server finds this device, adds the necessary tables to the database itself, and on the web interface we see everything we need.
For example, they wanted to add monitoring and temperature control in the boiler. Please, half an hour on the config file and scripts, two hours to install in the boiler itself. And that's it!

This project is already quite a lot of time.
Currently implemented dimmer. With power in the gap or parallel to the consumer (light bulb). Basis - STM controller, module nrf24l01. Also implemented touch control. The device has been working for more than half a year, there were no problems.

By nutrition. I use a very interesting power scheme. The device is powered from the network of any alternating voltage from 12 to 600V (theoretically, it is practical to test only up to 380V). We get the desired voltage and current up to 200mA (it is possible and more, but slightly changing the circuit. I need 200mA). In general, the device can be powered both directly from the network and in the gap of any consumer - light bulbs, heaters, etc.

When I started the project, I was looking for an opportunity to make a device with WiFi and preferably on Linux. But I didn’t find any size I needed (which would fit into the switch case, considering that there are already two boards) for a normal price.

14. Modbus RTU

Posted by: ViacheslavMezentsev
modbus rtu (master) - a set of scripts for working under the modbus rtu protocol in master mode. It can be used in conjunction with the web interface, or separately in the form of shell scripts.

1-Wire - a set of scripts for working under the 1-Wire protocol, based on a special method of using a serial port.

About the author:
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Radio engineer, programmer, machine gunner.

Musical programmable school bell "Schoolboy-4"

Musical programmable school bell "Schoolboy-3"

An overview of the available libraries for the numerical solution of rigid ODEs

Useful code implementation

I am the author of many additions to the national mathematical program SMath Studio.

I create my own implementation of a smart apartment using the Chinese analogue PLC FX2N.

15. Audiovisual accompaniment system

Posted by: Javelines
visual control interfaces (for example, smart home or a complex mechanism)

analysis of data from webcams (can be networked), for a long time I want to do data transfer from the camera without wires (well, there is electricity by itself everywhere where to put, the problem is in carrying out the NETWORK of these cameras, not everywhere)

everywhere you can use MaxMSP

MIDI devices, keyboards, twisters, mixers

My materials:


for some projects with more than 1 sensor and more than 4 rgb tapes, it is already difficult and expensive to work)))

Purchase Request

Recall that we have an idea to order the production of a batch of VoCore directly at the factory, the more willing - the more likely it will turn out, and the more profitable at the price. Here is a profile if you have an interest in buying VoCore.

And here are the cities from which applications have already arrived (thanks to them):
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Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Kazan, Zelenograd, Kiev, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Krasnoyarsk, Ufa, Kharkov, Vladimir, Voronezh, Kostroma, Minsk, Tolyatti, Chelyabinsk, Astrakhan, Barnaul, Bryansk, Izhevsk, Kirov, Zelenograd, Obninsk, Odessa, Orenburg, Perm, Ryazan, Simferopol, Stavropol, Tula, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk, Velikiy Novgorod, Vladivostok, Gomel, Gubkin, Langepas, Yoshkar-Ola, Karaganda, Murmansk Nyograd, Gubkin, Langepas, Yoshkar-Ola, Karaganda, Murmansk Nyograd, Gubkin, Langepas, Yoshkar-Ola, Karaganda, Murmansk Chelny, Naro-Fominsk, Novokuznetsk, Novorossiysk, Omsk, Rovno, Saransk, Saratov, Sochi, Tambov, Khabar Sun, Cheboksary, Yaroslavl, Atlanta, Berlin, Derbent, Kherson, New York, Riga, RzeszĂłw, Tallinn, Tel-Aviv, Vinnitsa, Abakan, Almaty, Barnaul, Arkhangelsk, Achinsk, Balashikha, Brest, Belgorod, Belebei, Volgograd, Vologda Votkinsk, Gelenjik, Revda, Grodno Donets'k, Ipatovo, Kaluga, Kamensk Ural, Klimovsk, Carpet Kuznetsovs'k, Barrow, gatchina, Lipetck, Lvov, Maikop Miass, Noginsk, Moguilev Chisinau Korolev, Mytisci, Tuchkovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhnevartovsk, Novokuibyshevsk, Novopolotsk, Novotroitsk, Novocherkassk, Novy Urengoy, Norilsk, Orel, Pavlodar, Penza, Petrozavod CK, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Pertominsk, Prague, Pushkino, Pyatigorsk, Ramenskoye, Sevastopol, Serov, Serpukhov, Snezhinsk, Sorochinsk, Builder, Sumy, Sukhoy Log, Syktyvkar, Taganrog, Tver, Tobolsk, Kez, Krivoy Rog, Uklan, Uklan, Syktyvkar, Taganrog, Tver, Tobolsk, Kez, Krivoi Rog, Uklan, Uklan, Syktyvkar, Taganrog, Tver, Tobolsk, Kez, Krivoi Rog Ust-Ilimsk, Fergana, Kholmsk, Chebarkul, Cherepovets, Cherkasy, Cherkessk, Chita, Yalta, Yarega

Hi Severomorsk

The history of one application:
Hidden text
Such a letter arrived:
Good day.
Not long ago, my friend and mechanic decided to create an attraction ...
In our hands we have only our abilities and the VAZ 2105 (on the go), I myself am a programmer.
Our idea is to turn the VAZ 2105 into an attraction as a game paddle for some racing game.
But we are limited in finances and live in a closed city beyond the Arctic Circle ... Severomorsk ...
I saw your entry on the contest, and decided to try my luck, in the hope that you will penetrate into our ambitious project and give us one of your controllers.

For VoCore, this is not a very suitable project, but we could not ignore the enthusiasts in Severomorsk, so we decided to send them for experiments - RaspberryPi , let's see what happens :)

And here is the VAZ-2105 itself:


Well, here we come to the voting itself, you are familiar with the proposed ideas / projects, and you can choose the ones you like. A week after the publication of this article - the winners will be determined - those to whom we will send VoCore for the implementation of their projects!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240603/

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