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12 questions for you about working with people

After half-day surveys about the methodologies in the projects and the adequacy of self-assessment, they decided to conduct a larger study.

The premise is very simple: doing the last 7 years of training and consulting, you have to see a lot of mistakes in working with people. Periodically it seems that no one works with people in our industry at all .

We understand that the picture of the world of coaches is distorted, as well as the picture of the world of a doctor who sees people with their illnesses. And this led us to the idea - to conduct a large study that will show the real state of affairs in the industry and put everything in its place.
We also understand that everyone does not have much time, so we tried to formulate the questions succinctly and squeeze everything into 12 questions:

12 questions for you about working with people >>

For your help and the time you spent with us is a small gift - the recording of the seminar of our negotiator expert Dmitry Kotkin “Systems Theory in Working with People”. So that we all can make the world more understandable and manageable.

PS If you attract colleagues and acquaintances to the survey - we will be especially grateful, this will help to make the study more ambitious.

PPS If you have thoughts on how to better formulate questions - write, we will try to take them into account when conducting the next study. We will not have time to correct this, we already have more than 2000 answers to current questions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240583/

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