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PcDuino3 Nano, a serious competitor to the Raspberry Pi B +, for $ 39

Raspberry Pi, from the debug boards on the market, has a very low price and great functionality. But the rest of the players are not asleep, and gradually increase the functionality and reduce the cost.
So at the end of September, Linksprite announced the PcDuino3 Nano, a debugging board built on the dual-core AllWinner A20 SoC, with an Arduino-compatible platform. This allows you to connect your Arduino expansion board to a PcDuino3 Nano, as if it were an Arduino UNO. Additionally, there is a SATA connector for connecting HDD or SSD.
PcDuino3 Nano is a less dimensional and cheaper version of PcDuino3, without Wi-Fi module, LVDS, and I2C interface. The board does not support connecting Li-Po rechargeable batteries, but one more USB port has been added compared to the older model.
PcDuino3 Nano
PcDuino3 Nano

PcDuino3 Specifications

PcDuino3 Nano is similar to Cubieboard2 , but less in form factor, closer to Arduino, with a gigabit Ethernet interface, but without an audio connector. Ubuntu 12.04 and Android 4.2 support is provided, ready-made firmware and source code are available, API support is provided for controlling I / O contacts, which are also available on Arduino (UART, ADC, PWM, GPIO, I2C, SPI).
Thanks to the Mali-400 GPU, SoC plays 1080p 60fps video. Programming in the Arduino-style is done in Scratch for pcDuino. C / C ++, Python, and Java programming languages ​​are supported.
Orders for PcDuino3 can be placed on the Linksprite or Cutedigi for $ 39. Delivery is not included in the price.
The Linksprite has a USPS First Class delivery option for $ 6.75. For comparison, at the moment Raspberry Pi B +, is on sale for $ 37.80. A fully featured pcDuino3 costs $ 77. Contains LVDS interface, digital and analog audio output, and a WiFi module.
PcDuino3 developers site pcduino.com

The translation is based on the article posted on cnx-software.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240541/

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