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How to Start a Startup - Business Course by Y Combinator

Another Y Combinator project: CS183B course for Stanford students and for all those interested in business and venture investments (course materials are available free of charge online). This is a continuation of a magnificent course, read by Peter Thiel 2 years ago, only now it’s 20 lectures with not one Peter, but with other speakers, including Paul Graham, Marc Andressen, Marissa Mayer, Sam Altman. To date, 7 videos are already available for viewing and 2 more will be added every week.

Below is the coolest lecture (in my opinion): " Growth (business)". Speaker Alex Schultz, vice president of business development for Facebook.

PS It does not pull on a full-fledged post (especially for Habr), it’s rather just an announcement. Please answer the question below about the translation, taking into account that all the videos already have good English subs and the full English transcript of all the lectures is available on the site.
If a sufficient number of habrendi who need a translation is typed, I will try to make at least Russian subs and the text transcript of each lecture in the form of a separate post.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240523/

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