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Google is not doing well in Russia

Researchers from the Dutch bank ING conducted an analysis of the Russian search market, trying to determine how well Google search resource lives on it.

The results were not very consoling: 64% of Runetites visit Yandex and its services, 56% - Mail.ru, 53% - Rambler (the total is clearly more than a hundred - the fact is that many use several resources at the same time).

If to judge from the point of view of revenues from contextual advertising, then Yandex ranks first in the rating (50% of the market), followed by Rambler (41%), and the rest, including Google, got the remaining 9%.
Google encounters difficulties not only in Russia, but also, for example, in China, where the authorities are actively introducing censorship and forcing Western Internet companies to filter content, reports the New York Times .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/2405/

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