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Enchanting performance by Bertrand Picard

Bertrand Picard, aeronaut and creator of SolarImpulse (the plane about which Habré wrote so many times that I will not even give references) spoke at the meeting “Convergence of technology and knowledge - breakthrough solutions at the interface of technologies”. The performance was so strong that it even made Fabian Wong cry out.

“Yuri Gagarin made his flight when everyone thought it was impossible. Let's achieve impossible goals together! ”

Next - from the first person. Translated live.

You have heard something about SolarImpulse: our airplane made a long-haul flight without a drop of fuel. All day we flew on solar energy, recharging batteries, after which we flew the night before dawn on this charge. How is this possible? Everyone said that in any way. What is unreal. But my team managed to make it happen.

As you know, the entire area of ​​the wings of our airplane is covered with solar panels. All airplane systems are extremely energy efficient. We are working on this in order to be able to fly forever even on an airplane, if only for some part of the day you can recharge it from the sun.

We were able to make a long-distance flight, and next year we will fly around the whole world.

So what am I talking about?

If you find the best focused specialists, absolute gurus in your field, and give them a task outside their topic, they will not be able to solve it. They can not decide for themselves. But we worked with partners from all over the world! We had the lightest materials, systems for an airplane were developed by many manufacturers. Someone did batteries, someone - solar panels.

This is what we are talking about: cross-innovation, solutions that are possible only at the intersection of industries! As for me, this is absolutely logical. Innovations are not continuous, they jump from industry to industry. The candle maker will not make candlesticks. Therefore, if you do not know how to do something, find this or those who know, and work with them. It is at the junction of industries that something completely new can be created.

Every day we use smartphones. We often fly across the sky on airplanes. Would you tell someone 150 years ago that the person will actually fly soon - they would not have burned you, of course, but close to that. And after all, the technologies that we use now are often not new ideas . This is only a dream come true.

Want to fly! - people thought. Why not fly? If a few thousand years ago in Egypt, the first airplane was made of fabric and wood. They did not fly because they did not believe. Religion and limitations in our head inhibit innovation. And, of course, the lack of materials, the creation of which is also hampered by restrictions, often in ourselves.

That is why I say that innovation is not new ideas, but a junction of technology, a victory over borders. Do not look for a new idea, look for a dream, what you believe in - and make it happen. Come out of your borders, and you can create. And if you can’t think of something or do something, just find someone who can, find the right technology and the right people.

This may not be just an engineer. This may be a gardener who will tell you how a sunny day depends on the time of year.

Our airplane is simply a demonstration that faith in our idea and the possibility of its implementation helps us create innovations.

I believe that in the 21st century, life will move to a new level, a new quality. Fabian Wong told a lot of interesting things about trends. And if you want to create this new quality of life, then you need to think about nature and the people for whom we are doing this.

Remember: no renewable energy is ever enough for us if we continue to pollute the planet. No clean and green technology will save us until we understand how to keep the peace. Therefore, we must create new materials, systems that allow purifying water and air, recycle garbage. I don’t have a slide on this topic, but you try to imagine how much energy is wasted because of errors in technology - and this is half the total energy . For example, poor insulation of houses, the same congestion on the roads. We need solutions that we will unite and that will make our better future a reality. And we have a responsibility to the world.

Find something that cannot be done and bring it to life!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240477/

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