📜 ⬆️ ⬇️

English words

English words are the key to understanding English.

The 1000 most popular English words are 85% ( percent ) of words used in speech and writing of the English language . That corresponds to the Pareto law . Below are the English words alphabetically from this 1000 words.

1000 most popular English words

#wordtransferpronunciation and example in context with other translation options
oneabsoluteabsoluteabsolute pronunciation and translation >>>
2acceptto acceptpronunciation and translation accept >>>
3accountscorepronunciation and translation account >>>
fouraccountantaccountantaccountant pronunciation and translation >>>
fiveachieveto reachachieve and pronounce pronunciation >>>
6acquireto acquirepronunciation and translation acquire >>>
7actActpronunciation and translation act >>>
eightactionactpronunciation and translation action >>>
9activityactivitypronunciation and translation activity >>>
tenactoractorpronunciation and translation actor >>>
elevenactressactresspronunciation and translation of actress >>>
12acuteacutepronunciation and translation acute >>>
13addaddpronunciation and translation add >>>
14addressaddresspronunciation and translation address >>>
15admitrecognizeadmit pronunciation and translation >>>
sixteenadoptto acceptpronunciation and translation adopt >>>
17adultadultpronunciation and translation adult >>>
18affectinfluencepronunciation and translation affect >>>
nineteenageagepronunciation and translation age >>>
20agedat the age ofpronunciation and translation of the aged >>>
21agreeto agreepronunciation and translation agree >>>
22aimto aimpronunciation and translation aim >>>
23airairpronunciation and translation of air >>>
24allowallowpronunciation and translation allow >>>
25aloneonepronunciation and translation alone >>>
26alphabetalphabetpronunciation and translation alphabet >>>
27amountthe sumpronunciation and translation amount >>>
28ampleamplepronunciation and translation ample >>>
29analysisanalysispronunciation and translation analysis >>>
thirtyancientancientancient pronunciation and translation >>>
31angryangrypronunciation and translation angry >>>
32animalanimalpronunciation and translation of animal >>>
33announceto announceannounce >>> pronunciation and translation
34answeranswerpronunciation and translation answer >>>
35appearto appearpronunciation and translation appear >>>
36applicationapplicationpronunciation and translation application >>>
37applyturnapply >>> pronunciation and translation
38appointto appointpronunciation and translation appointments >>>
39approachan approachpronunciation and translation approach >>>
40aptpronepronunciation and translation apt >>>
41arearegionpronunciation and translation area >>>
42arguearguepronunciation and translation argue >>>
43arisearisepronunciation and translation arise >>>
44armarmpronunciation and translation arm >>>
45armyarmypronunciation and translation army >>>
46arrangereach an agreementpronunciation and translation arrange >>>
47arrivearrivepronunciation and translation arrive >>>
48artartpronunciation and translation art >>>
49askto askpronunciation and translation ask >>>
50aspectaspectpronunciation and translation aspect >>>
51assessestimatepronunciation and translation assess >>>
52associatepartnerpronunciation and translation associate >>>
53associationassociationpronunciation and translation association >>>
54assumeto acceptpronunciation and translation assume >>>
55attemptattemptpronunciation and translation attempt >>>
56attendparticipatepronunciation and translation attend >>>
57attractto attractpronunciation and translation of attract >>>
58authoritypowerpronunciation and translation authority >>>
59autumnautumnpronunciation and translation autumn >>>
60averageaverage numberpronunciation and translation average >>>
61avoidto avoidpronunciation and translation avoid >>>
62awardpremiumpronunciation and translation award >>>
63babychildrenpronunciation and translation baby >>>
64backbackwardspronunciation and translation back >>>
65badbadlypronunciation and translation bad >>>
66baldbaldbald pronunciation and translation >>>
67bankbankpronunciation and translation bank >>>
68barenakedpronunciation and translation bare >>>
69basethe foundationpronunciation and translation base >>>
70bebepronunciation and translation be >>>
71bearbearpronunciation and translation bear >>>
72beathitpronunciation and translation beat >>>
73becomebecomepronunciation and translation become >>>
74bedbedbed pronunciation and translation >>>
75beginto beginpronunciation and translation begin >>>
76believebelievepronunciation and translation believe >>>
77belongbelongpronunciation and translation belong >>>
78benefitbenefitpronunciation and translation benefit >>>
79bigbigpronunciation and translation big >>>
80blackthe blackblack pronunciation and translation >>>
81blandsoftbland pronunciation and translation >>>
82blankformpronunciation and translation blank >>>
83bleakcoldpronunciation and translation bleak >>>
84blindblindpronunciation and translation blind >>>
85blondblondpronunciation and translation of blond >>>
86bloodydamnbloody pronunciation and translation >>>
87blueblueblue pronunciation and translation >>>
88bluntstupidblunt pronunciation and translation >>>
89boardgoverning bodypronunciation and translation board >>>
90bodybodypronunciation and translation body >>>
91boldbravebold pronunciation and translation >>>
92bookbookpronunciation and translation book >>>
93boringboringboring pronunciation and translation >>>
94bornbornpronunciation and translation born >>>
95boyboypronunciation and translation boy >>>
96bravebravebrave pronunciation and translation >>>
97breakgappronunciation and translation break >>>
98briefsummarypronunciation and translation brief >>>
99brightbrightpronunciation and translation bright >>>
100bringbringpronunciation and translation bring >>>
101brisklivelybrisk pronunciation and translation >>>
102broadwideBroad pronunciation and translation >>>
103brotherbrotherbrother pronunciation and translation >>>
104brownbrownbrown pronunciation and translation >>>
105buildto buildpronunciation and translation build >>>
106builderbuilderpronunciation and translation builder >>>
107buildingbuildingpronunciation and translation building >>>
108bulkybigbulky pronunciation and translation >>>
109businessbusinesspronunciation and translation business >>>
110busybusypronunciation and translation busy >>>
111buybuypronunciation and translation buy >>>
112callto callpronunciation and translation call >>>
113calmcalmpronunciation and translation calm >>>
114capitalcapitalpronunciation and translation capital >>>
115carcarpronunciation and translation car >>>
116carecarepronunciation and translation care >>>
117carrycarrypronunciation and translation carry >>>
118casualrandompronunciation and translation of casual >>>
119catcatCat pronunciation and translation >>>
120catchbenefitpronunciation and translation catch >>>
121causecausepronunciation and translation cause >>>
122cd playerCd playercd player pronunciation and translation >>>
123ceilingceilingpronunciation and translation ceiling >>>
124centralcentralpronunciation and translation central >>>
125centurycenturycentury pronunciation and translation >>>
126chairchairpronunciation and translation chair >>>
127chairmanthe chairmanpronunciation and translation chairman >>>
128changechangepronunciation and translation change >>>
129chapterchapterpronunciation and translation chapter >>>
130chargeaccusationpronunciation and translation charge >>>
131cheapcheappronunciation and translation of cheap >>>
132checkcheckpronunciation and translation check >>>
133cheekycheekycheeky pronunciation and translation >>>
134chiefheadpronunciation and translation chief >>>
135childchildpronunciation and translation of child >>>
136childishchildishChildish pronunciation and translation >>>
137chillycoldlychilly pronunciation and translation >>>
138choosechooseChoose >>> pronunciation and translation
139churchchurchpronunciation and translation church >>>
140circumstancecircumstancepronunciation and translation circumstance >>>
141citycityCity pronunciation and translation >>>
142claimdemandpronunciation and translation claim >>>
143classthe classpronunciation and translation class >>>
144classroomthe classclassroom pronunciation and translation >>>
145cleancleanpronunciation and translation clean >>>
146cleanercleanerpronunciation and translation cleaner >>>
147clearclearclear pronunciation and translation >>>
148cleversmartpronunciation and translation clever >>>
149clientcustomerpronunciation and translation client >>>
150closeshut downpronunciation and translation close >>>
151clubclubpronunciation and translation club >>>
152clumsyclumsypronunciation and translation of clumsy >>>
153coarserudecoarse pronunciation and translation >>>
154coldcoldcold pronunciation and translation >>>
155collectget togetherpronunciation and translation collect >>>
156collegecollegepronunciation and translation college >>>
157comecomepronunciation and translation come >>>
158commissioncommissionpronunciation and translation commission >>>
159committransfer topronunciation and translation commit >>>
160committeeCommitteepronunciation and translation committee >>>
161communitycommunitypronunciation and translation community >>>
162compactcompactpronunciation and translation compact >>>
163companycompanypronunciation and translation company >>>
164comparemake a comparisoncompare compare pronunciation and translation >>>
165completefullcomplete pronunciation and translation >>>
166computercomputerpronunciation and translation computer >>>
167concentrateconcentratepronunciation and translation concentrate >>>
168conditionconditionpronunciation and translation conditions >>>
169conferencethe conferencepronunciation and translation conference >>>
170confirmconfirmpronunciation and translation confirm >>>
171considerto considerconsider >>> translation and translation
172consistconsistpronunciation and translation consist >>>
173containcontainpronunciation and translation contain >>>
174continuecontinuepronunciation and translation continue >>>
175contractthe contractpronunciation and translation of contract >>>
176contributecontributepronunciation and translation contribute >>>
177controlcontrolpronunciation and translation control >>>
178coolchillpronunciation and translation cool >>>
179corruptcorruptcorrupt pronunciation and translation >>>
180costthe costpronunciation and translation cost >>>
181costlyexpensivecostly pronunciation and translation >>>
182cozyconvenientpronunciation and translation cozy >>>
183coughcoughcough pronunciation and translation >>>
184counciladvicepronunciation and translation council >>>
185countrya countrypronunciation and translation country >>>
186couplecouplepronunciation and translation couple >>>
187coursecoursepronunciation and translation course >>>
188courtcourtpronunciation and translation court >>>
189covercoatingpronunciation and translation cover >>>
190crazycrazycrazy pronunciation and translation >>>
191createto createpronunciation and translation create >>>
192crispcrispcrisp pronunciation and translation >>>
193crosscrosspronunciation and translation cross >>>
194cruderaw oilcrude pronunciation and translation >>>
195cruelcruelcruel pronunciation and translation >>>
196cryscreampronunciation and translation cry >>>
197cunningcunningcunning pronunciation and translation >>>
198cupboardcupboardpronunciation and translation of cupboard >>>
199curiouscuriouscurious pronunciation and translation >>>
200curvedcrookedcurved pronunciation and translation >>>
201customercustomerpronunciation and translation customer >>>
202cutreductionpronunciation and translation cut >>>
203daftabnormaldaft pronunciation and translation >>>
204damphumiditydamp pronunciation and translation >>>
205datadatapronunciation and translation data >>>
206datedatepronunciation and translation date >>>
207daughterdaughterpronunciation and translation of daughter >>>
208daydaypronunciation and translation day >>>
209deaddeaddead pronunciation and translation >>>
210deadlydeadlydeadly pronunciation and translation >>>
211deafdeafdeaf pronunciation and translation >>>
212dealagreementpronunciation and translation deal >>>
213dearexpensivepronunciation and translation dear >>>
214deathdeathpronunciation and translation death >>>
215decidedecidepronunciation and translation decide >>>
216decisiondecisionpronunciation and translation decision >>>
217deepdeepdeep pronunciation and translation >>>
218definedefinepronunciation and translation define >>>
219deliverto putdeliver and deliver pronunciation >>>
220demanddemandpronunciation and translation demand >>>
221demonstrateto demonstratepronunciation and translation demonstrate >>>
222denydenypronunciation and translation deny >>>
223departmentDepartmentpronunciation and translation department >>>
224dependdependpronunciation and translation depend >>>
225describedescribepronunciation and translation describe >>>
226designdesignpronunciation and translation design >>>
227detaildetailpronunciation and translation detail >>>
228determinedefinepronunciation and translation determine >>>
229developdeveloppronunciation and translation develop >>>
230developmentdevelopmentpronunciation and translation development >>>
231dictionaryvocabularypronunciation and translation dictionary >>>
232diediepronunciation and translation die >>>
233dimdimdim pronunciation and translation >>>
234direterriblepronunciation and translation dire >>>
235directiondirectionpronunciation and translation direction >>>
236directordirectorpronunciation and translation director >>>
237dirtydirtypronunciation and translation of dirty >>>
238discoverto discoverdiscover >>> translation and translation
239discreetcarefulpronunciation and translation discreet >>>
240discussto discusspronunciation and translation discuss >>>
241discussiondiscussionpronunciation and translation discussion >>>
242diseasediseasepronunciation and translation disease >>>
243divinedivinepronunciation and translation divine >>>
244divisionsubdivisionpronunciation and translation division >>>
245dizzydizzydizzy pronunciation and translation >>>
246doto makepronunciation and translation do >>>
247doctordoctorpronunciation and translation doctor >>>
248dogdogpronunciation and translation dog >>>
249doora doorpronunciation and translation door >>>
250drawto drawpronunciation and translation draw >>>
251dressthe dresspronunciation and translation of dress >>>
252drinkdrinkpronunciation and translation of drink >>>
253driveenginepronunciation and translation drive >>>
254dropdeclinepronunciation and translation drop >>>
255druga drugpronunciation and translation of drug >>>
256drunkdrunkdrunk pronunciation and translation >>>
257drydrydry pronunciation and translation >>>
258dulldullpronunciation and translation dull >>>
259dumbdumbpronunciation and translation dumb >>>
260dustydustydusty pronunciation and translation >>>
261dutydutypronunciation and translation duty >>>
262dvd playerDVD playerdvd player pronunciation and translation >>>
263earlyearlyearly pronunciation and translation >>>
264easylighteasy pronunciation and translation >>>
265eatto eatpronunciation and translation eat >>>
266economyeconomypronunciation and translation economy >>>
267educationeducationpronunciation and translation education >>>
268effectEffectpronunciation and translation effect >>>
269effortan effortpronunciation and translation effort >>>
270eighteightpronunciation and translation of eight >>>
271eighteeneighteenpronunciation and translation of eighteen >>>
272electionelectionselection pronunciation and translation >>>
273eleveneleveneleven pronunciation and translation >>>
274emergeto appearemerge pronunciation and translation >>>
275employusepronunciation and translation employ >>>
276emptyemptypronunciation and translation empty >>>
277enableallowpronunciation and translation enable >>>
278encourageto encouragepronunciation and translation encourage >>>
279endendend pronunciation and translation >>>
280engineerengineerpronunciation and translation engineer >>>
281enjoyenjoypronunciation and translation enjoy >>>
282ensureguaranteepronunciation and translation ensure >>>
283enterto come inpronunciation and translation enter >>>
284environmentEnvironmentpronunciation and translation environment >>>
285establishto establishpronunciation and translation establish >>>
286eveningeveningpronunciation and translation evening >>>
287eventeventpronunciation and translation event >>>
288evidenceproof ofpronunciation and translation evidence >>>
289examineexplorepronunciation and translation examine >>>
290exampleexamplepronunciation and translation example >>>
291existexistpronunciation and translation exist >>>
292expectexpectexpect pronunciation and translation >>>
293experienceexperiencepronunciation and translation experience >>>
294explainto explainpronunciation and translation explain >>>
295expressexpresspronunciation and translation express >>>
296extendextendextend pronunciation and translation >>>
297extremeextremepronunciation and translation extreme >>>
298eyeeyepronunciation and translation eye >>>
299facefacepronunciation and translation of face >>>
300factorfactorpronunciation and translation factor >>>
301failfailpronunciation and translation fail >>>
302faintweakpronunciation and translation faint >>>
303fairfairpronunciation and translation fair >>>
304fallthe fallpronunciation and translation fall >>>
305familyfamilypronunciation and translation family >>>
306fancyimaginationpronunciation and translation fancy >>>
307farlong awaypronunciation and translation far >>>
308fastquicklypronunciation and translation fast >>>
309fatfatFat pronunciation and translation >>>
310fatherfatherfather pronunciation and translation >>>
311fattyfattypronunciation and translation of fatty >>>
312feedinningspronunciation and translation feed >>>
313feelfeelingpronunciation and translation feel >>>
314fieldregionpronunciation and translation field >>>
315fiercecruelpronunciation and translation fierce >>>
316fieryfieryfiery pronunciation and translation >>>
317fifteenfifteenfifteen pronunciation and translation >>>
318fightwrestlingpronunciation and translation fight >>>
319figurenumberpronunciation and translation of figure >>>
320fillfill uppronunciation and translation fill >>>
321filmfilmpronunciation and translation film >>>
322filthydisgustingfilthy pronunciation and translation >>>
323findto findpronunciation and translation find >>>
324finebeautifulpronunciation and translation fine >>>
325finishendpronunciation and translation finish >>>
326firethe firepronunciation and translation fire >>>
327firmfirmpronunciation and translation of firm >>>
328fitfitpronunciation and translation fit >>>
329fivefivefive pronunciation and translation >>>
330flatapartmentpronunciation and translation flat >>>
331floorfloorpronunciation and translation of the floor >>>
332floppyfloppy diskFloppy pronunciation and translation >>>
333flufluflu pronunciation and translation >>>
334flyflypronunciation and translation fly >>>
335followto followfollow pronunciation and translation >>>
336fondlovingpronunciation and translation fond >>>
337footlegfoot pronunciation and translation >>>
338forcestrengthpronunciation and translation force >>>
339forgetforgetpronunciation and translation forget >>>
340formthe formpronunciation and translation form >>>
341foulfoulpronunciation and translation foul >>>
342fourfourpronunciation and translation of four >>>
343fourteenfourteenfourteen pronunciation and translation >>>
344frailfrailpronunciation and translation frail >>>
345frankfrankfrank pronunciation and translation >>>
346freefreepronunciation and translation free >>>
347freshnewpronunciation and translation fresh >>>
348fridayFridaypronunciation and translation friday >>>
349friendfriendpronunciation and translation friend >>>
350friendlyfriendlypronunciation and translation friendly >>>
351fullfullfull pronunciation and translation >>>
352fundfundpronunciation and translation fund >>>
353funnyfunnypronunciation and translation funny >>>
354furniturefurniturepronunciation and translation furniture >>>
355futurefuturepronunciation and translation of the future >>>
356gainbenefitpronunciation and translation gain >>>
357gamea gamepronunciation and translation game >>>
358gardengardenpronunciation and translation garden >>>
359gaygaygay pronunciation and translation >>>
360getget toget pronunciation and translation >>>
361ghastlyterribleghastly pronunciation and translation >>>
362girlgirlpronunciation and translation girl >>>
363giveto givegive and translate >>>
364gladsatisfiedglad pronunciation and translation >>>
365gloomygloomygloomy pronunciation and translation >>>
366glossyglossyglossy pronunciation and translation >>>
367golook forpronunciation and translation go >>>
368goingmotionpronunciation and translation going >>>
369goldgoldpronunciation and translation of gold >>>
370goodgoodgood pronunciation and translation >>>
371governmentgovernmentpronunciation and translation by government >>>
372grandgreatgrand pronunciation and translation >>>
373grantgrantpronunciation and translation grant >>>
374gravethe gravegrave pronunciation and translation >>>
375greasygreasygreasy pronunciation and translation >>>
376greatbiggreat pronunciation and translation >>>
377greedygreedygreedy pronunciation and translation >>>
378greengreengreen pronunciation and translation >>>
379grayGraygray pronunciation and translation >>>
380grimgloomygrim pronunciation and translation >>>
381grosstotal amountgross pronunciation and translation >>>
382groundlandground pronunciation and translation >>>
383growgrow uppronunciation and translation grow >>>
384guiltyguiltyguilty pronunciation and translation >>>
385hairhairpronunciation and translation hair >>>
386hairyhairyhairy pronunciation and translation >>>
387hallHallpronunciation and translation hall >>>
388handarmhand pronunciation and translation >>>
389handsomesolidpronunciation and translation handsome >>>
390handyconvenienthandy pronunciation and translation >>>
391hanghanghang pronunciation and translation >>>
392happento occurpronunciation and translation happen >>>
393happyhappypronunciation and translation happy >>>
394harddifficultpronunciation and translation hard >>>
395hardyhardyhardy pronunciation and translation >>>
396harshcuttingpronunciation and translation of harsh >>>
397hatehatredhate pronunciation and translation >>>
398havehavepronunciation and translation have >>>
399headheadpronunciation and translation head >>>
400headacheheadacheheadache pronunciation and translation >>>
401healthhealthpronunciation and translation health >>>
402healthyhealthypronunciation and translation healthy >>>
403hearhearpronunciation and translation of hear >>>
404hearta heartheart pronunciation and translation >>>
405heavyheavyheavy pronunciation and translation >>>
406helphelppronunciation and translation help >>>
407hidehidehide pronunciation and translation >>>
408highhighpronunciation and translation high >>>
409historystoryhistory and translation history >>>
410hithitpronunciation and translation hit >>>
411holdhold onpronunciation and translation hold >>>
412hollowemptinesspronunciation and translation hollow >>>
413holySaintholy pronunciation and translation >>>
414homehome pagepronunciation and translation home >>>
415honesthonestHonor pronunciation and translation >>>
416hopehopepronunciation and translation hope >>>
417horsehorsepronunciation and translation of horse >>>
418hospitalhospitalpronunciation and translation of hospital >>>
419hothotpronunciation and translation hot >>>
420hotelhotelpronunciation and translation hotel >>>
421hourhourpronunciation and translation hour >>>
422househousepronunciation and translation house >>>
423housewifea housewifehousewife pronunciation and translation >>>
424hugehugehuge pronunciation and translation >>>
425hundreda hundredpronunciation and translation hundred >>>
426hungryhungryhungry >>>
427husbandhusband >>>
428ideaideaidea >>>
429identifyidentify >>>
430ignoreignore >>>
431illill >>>
432imagineimagine >>>
433imposeimpose >>>
434improveimprove >>>
435includeinclude >>>
436incomeincome >>>
437increaseincrease >>>
438indicateindicate >>>
439industryindustryindustry >>>
440infectioninfection >>>
441informationinformationinformation >>>
442insistinsist >>>
443institutioninstitution >>>
444intendintend >>>
445interestinterest >>>
446introduceintroduce >>>
447investmentinvestment >>>
448inviteinvite >>>
449involveinvolve >>>
450issueissue >>>
451jobJobjob >>>
452joincompoundjoin >>>
453jointjoint >>>
454jollyjolly >>>
455justjust >>>
456keenkeen >>>
457keepkeep >>>
458killto killkill >>>
459kindkind >>>
460kindlykindly >>>
461kingking >>>
462knowknow >>>
463knowledgeknowledge >>>
464labourlabour >>>
465ladylady >>>
466lamplamp >>>
467landland >>>
468languagetonguelanguage >>>
469laptoplaptop >>>
470largebiglarge >>>
471latelate >>>
472laughlaughlaugh >>>
473launchlaunch >>>
474lawlaw >>>
475laylay >>>
476lazylazy >>>
477leadlead >>>
478leaderleaderleader >>>
479leanlean >>>
480learnlearn >>>
481leaveleave >>>
482leftleft >>>
483legleg >>>
484lengthylengthy >>>
485letlet >>>
486levellevellevel >>>
487lielie >>>
488lifelife >>>
489liftlift >>>
490lightlight >>>
491likeaslike >>>
492likely,likely >>>
493limitlimit >>>
494lineline >>>
495linkconnectionlink >>>
496listenlisten >>>
497livelive >>>
498livelylively >>>
499lonelylonely >>>
500longlong >>>
501looklook >>>
502lordlord >>>
503loselose >>>
504loudloud >>>
505lovelovelove >>>
506lovelylovely >>>
507lowlow >>>
508luckylucky >>>
509lushlush >>>
510machinea machinemachine >>>
511madmad >>>
512maintainmaintain >>>
513makemake >>>
514manpersonman >>>
515managemanage >>>
516managementcontrolmanagement >>>
517managermanagermanager >>>
518markmark >>>
519marketmarketmarket >>>
520marrymarry >>>
521materialmaterialmaterial >>>
522maturemature >>>
523meanaveragemean >>>
524measuremeasure >>>
525mechanicmechanicmechanic >>>
526medicinethe medicinemedicine >>>
527meetmeet >>>
528meetingmeeting >>>
529mentionmention >>>
530meremere >>>
531merrymerry >>>
532messymessy >>>
533methodmethod >>>
534midmid >>>
535mightymighty >>>
536mildmild >>>
537milemile >>>
538milliardmilliard >>>
539millionmillion >>>
540mindmind >>>
541ministerminister >>>
542minuteminuteminute >>>
543missmiss >>>
544modelmodelmodel >>>
545modestmodestmodest >>>
546moistmoist >>>
547momentmoment >>>
548mondaymonday >>>
549moneymoneymoney >>>
550monthmonthmonth >>>
551morningmorningmorning >>>
552mothermother >>>
553movemove >>>
554movementmovement >>>
555muddymuddy >>>
556musicmusicmusic >>>
557musicianmusicianmusician >>>
558namenamename >>>
559narrownarrow >>>
560nastynasty >>>
561naturenaturenature >>>
562naughtynaughty >>>
563nearnear >>>
564neatneat >>>
565needneed >>>
566negligentnegligent >>>
567newnew >>>
568nicenice >>>
569nightnight >>>
570ninenine >>>
571nineteennineteen >>>
572noisynoisy >>>
573nosenose >>>
574notenote >>>
575noticenotice >>>
576numbernumber >>>
577nursenurse >>>
578obscureobscure >>>
579observeobserve >>>
580obtainobtain >>>
581occurto occuroccur >>>
582offersentenceoffer >>>
583officeoffice >>>
584officerofficer >>>
585oldold >>>
586oneone >>>
587openopen >>>
588operateoperate >>>
589operationoperation >>>
590orangeOrangeorange >>>
591orderorderorder >>>
592organisationorganizationorganisation >>>
593ovaloval >>>
594overnightquicklyovernight >>>
595ownown >>>
596pagepage >>>
597painpainpain >>>
598palepale >>>
599paperpaperpaper >>>
600parentparent >>>
601parkpark >>>
602partyparty >>>
603passpass >>>
604patientpatient >>>
605paypay >>>
606penpen >>>
607pencilpencilpencil >>>
608peoplepeoplepeople >>>
609performperform >>>
610performanceJobperformance >>>
611periodperiod >>>
612personpersonperson >>>
613perverseperverse >>>
614pettypetty >>>
615pickpick >>>
616picturepicturepicture >>>
617pillpill >>>
618pinkpinkpink >>>
619placea placeplace >>>
620plainplain >>>
621planplan >>>
622plantplant >>>
623playa gameplay >>>
624playerplayer >>>
625pleasantpleasant >>>
626pointpoint >>>
627pointedpointed >>>
628policepolicepolice >>>
629police officerpolice officer >>>
630policypoliticspolicy >>>
631politepolite >>>
632poorpoor >>>
633populationpopulation >>>
634poshposh >>>
635positionposition >>>
636powerpower >>>
637practicepractice >>>
638preferprefer >>>
639prepareprepare >>>
640presentpresent >>>
641presidentpresident >>>
642presspress >>>
643prettyprettypretty >>>
644preventprevent >>>
645pricepriceprice >>>
646principleprinciple >>>
647problemproblem >>>
648procedureprocedure >>>
649processprocessprocess >>>
650produceproduce >>>
651productproduct >>>
652productionproductionproduction >>>
653profitprofit >>>
654profoundprofound >>>
655programmeprogramprogramme >>>
656projectprojectproject >>>
657promisepromise >>>
658promotepromote >>>
659promptprompt >>>
660propertyproperty >>>
661proposalsentenceproposal >>>
662proposepropose >>>
663protectprotect >>>
664proudproud >>>
665proveprove >>>
666provideprovide >>>
667prudentprudent >>>
668publishpublish >>>
669pullpull >>>
670purepure >>>
671purplepurple >>>
672purposepurpose >>>
673pushpush >>>
674putput >>>
675qualityqualityquality >>>
676questionquestionquestion >>>
677quickquick >>>
678quietquiet >>>
679radioradioradio >>>
680rainrain >>>
681raiseraise >>>
682rangerange >>>
683rarerare >>>
684ratelevelrate >>>
685rawraw >>>
686reachreach >>>
687readto readread >>>
688readyready >>>
689realreal >>>
690realiserealise >>>
691rearrear >>>
692receivereceive >>>
693recogniserecognise >>>
694recordrecord >>>
695rectangularrectangular >>>
696redredred >>>
697reducereduce >>>
698referrefer >>>
699reflectreflect >>>
700refuserefuse >>>
701regardregard >>>
702regionregion >>>
703rejectreject >>>
704relaterelate >>>
705relationshiprelationsrelationship >>>
706releaserelease >>>
707remainremain >>>
708rememberremember >>>
709remoteremote >>>
710removeremove >>>
711repeatrepeat >>>
712replacereplace >>>
713replyanswerreply >>>
714reportreport >>>
715representrepresent >>>
716requirerequire >>>
717researchresearch >>>
718resourceresource >>>
719respectrespect >>>
720respondrespond >>>
721responsibilityresponsibility >>>
722restrest >>>
723resultresultresult >>>
724retainretain >>>
725retiredretired >>>
726returnreturn >>>
727revealto showreveal >>>
728richrich >>>
729rightrightright >>>
730ringring >>>
731riperipe >>>
732riserise >>>
733riskyrisky >>>
734riverriver >>>
735roadroad >>>
736robustrobust >>>
737rockyrocky >>>
738rolerole >>>
739roofroof >>>
740roomroom >>>
741roughrough >>>
742roundround >>>
743ruderude >>>
744rulerule >>>
745runrun >>>
746rustyrusty >>>
747sadsad >>>
748safesafe >>>
749sales assistant-sales assistant >>>
750saturdaySaturdaysaturday >>>
751savesave >>>
752saysay >>>
753scarcescarce >>>
754schemescheme >>>
755schoolschool >>>
756sciencethe sciencescience >>>
757seaseasea >>>
758seasonseason >>>
759secretarysecretary >>>
760sectionsection >>>
761sectorsector >>>
762securesecure >>>
763securitysecurity >>>
764seesee >>>
765seekseek >>>
766seemseem >>>
767sellsell >>>
768sendsend >>>
769serveserve >>>
770serviceservice >>>
771setset >>>
772settlesettle >>>
773sevenseven >>>
774seventeenseventeen >>>
775severesevere >>>
776sexysexy >>>
777shabbyshabby >>>
778shadowyshadowy >>>
779shakeshake >>>
780shakyshaky >>>
781shallowshallow >>>
782shapelessshapeless >>>
783shareto sendshare >>>
784sheersheer >>>
785shinybrilliantshiny >>>
786shoeshoe >>>
787shootshoot >>>
788shortshort >>>
789showto showshow >>>
790shrewdshrewd >>>
791shyshy >>>
792sicksick >>>
793sideside >>>
794signsign >>>
795sillysilly >>>
796silversilversilver >>>
797simplesimple >>>
798sinceresincere >>>
799singsing >>>
800sitsit >>>
801situationsituation >>>
802sixsix >>>
803sixteensixteen >>>
804skysky >>>
805sleepsleep >>>
806sleepysleepy >>>
807slightslight >>>
808slimslim >>>
809slowslow >>>
810smallsmall >>>
811smartsmartsmart >>>
812smilesmilesmile >>>
813smoothsmooth >>>
814societysocietysociety >>>
815sofasofa >>>
816softsoftsoft >>>
817solesole >>>
818sonson >>>
819soresore >>>
820sorrysorry >>>
821soundsound >>>
822southsouth >>>
823sparespare >>>
824sparsesparse >>>
825speakspeak >>>
826speedyspeedy >>>
827spendspend >>>
828splitsplit >>>
829springSpringspring >>>
830squaresquare >>>
831staffstaff >>>
832stagestage >>>
833stalestale >>>
834standstand >>>
835standardstandard >>>
836starestare >>>
837startstart >>>
838statestate >>>
839statelystately >>>
840statementstatement >>>
841stationstation >>>
842staystay >>>
843steadysteady >>>
844stickysticky >>>
845stiffstiff >>>
846stillstill >>>
847stonea rockstone >>>
848stopstop >>>
849stormystormy >>>
850storystorystory >>>
851stoutstrongstout >>>
852straightstraight >>>
853strangestrangestrange >>>
854streetstreet >>>
855strictstrict >>>
856strikestrike >>>
857strongstrongstrong >>>
858structurestructure >>>
859studentstudent >>>
860studystudy >>>
861sturdystrongsturdy >>>
862subjectsubject >>>
863successsuccess >>>
864suffersuffer >>>
865suggestto offersuggest >>>
866suitcasesuitcase >>>
867summersummersummer >>>
868sunthe sunsun >>>
869sundaySundaysunday >>>
870sunnysunny >>>
871supplysupply >>>
872supportsupport >>>
873supposesuppose >>>
874suresure >>>
875survivesurvive >>>
876swiftquicklyswift >>>
877systemsystem >>>
878tabletable >>>
879taketake >>>
880talktalk >>>
881talltall >>>
882tastydelicioustasty >>>
883tauttaut >>>
884taxtax >>>
885teachteach >>>
886teacherteacher >>>
887teamteam >>>
888technologytechnologytechnology >>>
889telltell >>>
890tenten >>>
891tendtend >>>
892termterm >>>
893testtesttest >>>
894thankthank >>>
895thatthat >>>
896theorytheory >>>
897thickthick >>>
898thinthin >>>
899thingthing >>>
900thinkthink >>>
901thirstythirsty >>>
902thirteenthirteen >>>
903thousandthousand >>>
904threatenthreaten >>>
905threethree >>>
906throwthrow >>>
907thursdayThursdaythursday >>>
908tidytidy >>>
909tighttight >>>
910timetimetime >>>
911tinytiny >>>
912touchtouch >>>
913toughtough >>>
914towncitytown >>>
915tradetrade >>>
916trainingtrainingtraining >>>
917traveltravelstravel >>>
918treattreat >>>
919treetreetree >>>
920triangulartriangular >>>
921trickytricky >>>
922truetrue >>>
923trytry >>>
924tuesdaytuesday >>>
925turnturn >>>
926tvtv >>>
927twelvetwelve >>>
928twentytwenty >>>
929twotwo >>>
930typetype >>>
931uglyugly >>>
932understandunderstand >>>
933unfairunfair >>>
934unhappyunhappy >>>
935unionunion >>>
936unitunit >>>
937unitedunited >>>
938universityuniversity >>>
939unlikelyunlikely >>>
940unluckyunlucky >>>
941unpleasantunpleasant >>>
942untidyuntidy >>>
943urbanurban >>>
944urgenturgent >>>
945useuse >>>
946vainvain >>>
947valuevalue >>>
948varyvary >>>
949vastvast >>>
950villagevillage >>>
951visitvisit >>>
952voicevotevoice >>>
953voidvoid >>>
954waitwait >>>
955walkgowalk >>>
956wallwall >>>
957wantwantwant >>>
958warwarwar >>>
959warmwarm >>>
960warnwarn >>>
961warywary >>>
962watchwatch >>>
963waterwaterwater >>>
964wayway >>>
965weakweak >>>
966wealthywealthy >>>
967wearwear >>>
968wearyweary >>>
969wednesdaywednesday >>>
970weeka weekweek >>>
971welcomewelcome >>>
972wellOKwell >>>
973wetwet >>>
974whitewhitewhite >>>
975widewide >>>
976wifewife >>>
977wildwild >>>
978winwin pronunciation and translation >>>
979windowwindowpronunciation and translation window >>>
980windywindywindy pronunciation and translation >>>
981winterwinterwinter pronunciation and translation >>>
982wisewisewise pronunciation and translation >>>
983wisha wishpronunciation and translation wish >>>
984wittywittywitty pronunciation and translation >>>
985womanwomanpronunciation and translation of woman >>>
986wondersurprisepronunciation and translation wonder >>>
987wordwordpronunciation and translation of word >>>
988workJobpronunciation and translation work >>>
989work numberwork numberpronunciation and translation work number >>>
990workerworkingpronunciation and translation worker >>>
991worldworldpronunciation and translation world >>>
992worryanxietyworry and translation of worry >>>
993worthyworthypronunciation and translation worthy >>>
994writewritepronunciation and translation write >>>
995wrongwrongpronunciation and translation wrong >>>
996wrycrookedwry pronunciation and translation >>>
997yearyearpronunciation and translation year >>>
998yellowyellowyellow pronunciation and translation >>>
999youngyoungyoung pronunciation and translation >>>
1000zerozeroZero pronunciation and translation >>>

English words are taken from the first two dictionaries of the EngCards application with the consent of the author: www.engwords.net/ru


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240439/

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