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Facebook personalization

Each of you has on Facebook 20-30% of friends who are painfully reacting to some regular topic (crisis, Putin, Ukraine, USA and others) and publish posts on this topic with annoying periodicity. And it is a pity to exaggerate (the acquaintance after all, plus sometimes publishes something really interesting) and you cannot tolerate it.

On the other hand, there is a huge stream of posts that all your friends on the social network generate.

Facebook (and any other social network) began to solve the flow problem with personalized filters. Not everything is shown to you, but only what Facebook considers interesting for you.

The problem of the stream was solved, but the problem of delirium and irrelevant content is not. That's because, for the most part, Facebook-recommended content is rated by popularity. If a link gets a lot of likes / comments, it will be shown to you in a feed with a very high degree of probability. Even in spite of the fact that “this World Cup has already knocked out, how much can you?!”.

As a rule, recommendation systems sometimes allow you to tune yourself: mark content relevant or not relevant.

Unfortunately, on Facebook, you have only two options to stop receiving irrelevant content from a person: defragment him or write him that he already got you. The first way is morally difficult, as a person like a friend is offended if you defraud. The second way is not viable: from what you write to him, what he got with his football, he will not cease to be a fan of this football.

So your tape remains all the same unreadable garbage from actively discussed posts irrelevant to you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240437/

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