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Web full of applications

Abstracts and presentation "Web full of applications" (it is recommended to read and flip through the slides in parallel), shown at the conference CIB-2008:

1. Question to the audience: Who knows what OpenID is? And who has got OpenId? // more than a third of the hall raise their hand
2. Who knows what the Semantic Web is? // more than a third of the hall raise their hand
3. Who knows what DataPortability is? // raise a hand a little more than a dozen
4. Sites where we start our accounts are scattered like islands in the ocean
5. The DataPortability Initiative calls for the convenience of Internet services for users, namely the possibility of convenient use of their data when surfing the net.
6. Instead of filling profiles, uploading the same photos and adding friends, you can and should use open standards and protocols such as RSS, OpenID, OPML, APML, OAuth, RDF, various microformats.
7. From this there is a benefit for the Internet service. Instead of pushing competitors to duplicate functionality, you can play the role of a platform that will be used by other services, simplifying your life, but at the same time becoming your customers and partners.
8. And users will feel free to leave you personal data if the platform is convenient and credible.
9. Closeness of most Internet projects leads to the appearance of programs that “pick up” data from web pages. For example: openkapow, dapper and others (see tools for mash-ups)
10. So be a platform!
11. There are two interesting trends in the development of the web: Semantic Web and Service-Oriented Architecture. SemWeb keeps focus on metadata and relationships, and SOA focuses on interoperability and functionality. Most likely they will go side by side, crossing in the future.
12. The last question for the audience is “to think: where is the application perspective building: in the mash-up or in the browser?

I also want to share with you the results of the brainstorming I spent on the CIB:

I will briefly describe the ideas that were presented after the 15-minute discussion.
The first and most numerous group offered a service for describing contact information for companies, answering the question “how to get there?”. The service will determine the current location of the requester and provide a detailed description of the route to the company's office. Both a map and a text description will be offered, indicating where to turn and which bus to take.

The second group presented a service that combines a game racing software console, a real track and a website with broadcasts and competitions. The essence of the idea: participants can remotely participate in races. To do this, they buy themselves a specific model and can manage it, as in the simulator, but the image is transmitted to the screen from a video camera installed in the car. Therefore, the race is absolutely real. On the site it is possible to arrange sweepstakes, ratings, prizes to winners. Offline monitoring and participation are also possible.

The third group offered a recommendation service. The portal will cultivate a community of experts on various topics. Regular users will be able to ask questions or read already existing recommendations on goods and services. Also, users can lower or increase the rating of experts, thus increasing the quality and integrity of experts.

As a result, the first two groups were finalizing the “contact information” service (focusing on the possibility of calling the contact number directly through the site and on building routes). And the third group continued to refine the service recommendations.

Despite the fact that projects like the first and third services already exist, many interesting features and ideas were born in the discussion. And the reality-racing service seems to be seen only in a few years.

Original article "Web full of applications" on the blog ServiceModels.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/24043/

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