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Yahoo! Profit in the first quarter of 2008. increased more than 3 times

Yahoo! Profit in the first quarter of 2008. increased more than 3 times

Net Profit of the American Internet Company Yahoo! Inc. in the first quarter of 2008. increased by 281% - to 542.2 million dollars compared with 142.4 million dollars for the same period last year. Revenue grew by 6% - from $ 1.7 billion to $ 1.8 billion.

Operating profit amounted to $ 169 million, which is 40% more than the figure for the first quarter of 2007, recorded at $ 120.6 million. These data are contained in the company's report published today, April 23.

Meanwhile, the net profit of Yahoo! Inc. for 2007 decreased by 12% to $ 660 million compared to $ 751.4 million received in 2006. Revenue grew by 9% from $ 6.42 billion to $ 6.97 billion. Operating profit was $ 695.4 million, which is 26% less than the 2006 figure recorded at $ 940.96 million.
Recall that on February 1 this year. Microsoft offered to purchase Yahoo! for 44.6 billion dollars, but was refused. On April 6, Bill Gates’s company set a three-week deadline for Yahoo! accepted the takeover bid. Otherwise, Microsoft threatened to make a direct offer to Yahoo! shareholders. In addition, the software giant did not rule out the possibility of lowering the amount of the offer for Yahoo !, however, according to most analysts, such good company performance for the first quarter of 2008. may lead to the fact that Microsoft will, on the contrary, increase its offer.
April 23, 2008, www.rbc.ru
Looks like Yahoo! was not a simple bluff and the desire to increase the value of their shares. Perhaps the company will have better times.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/24037/

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