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Announcement of the first meeting of Java User Group Sevastopol

Good day!

Now Sevastopol is actively developing as an IT center. We decided to support java-programmers and organize the java-community in Sevastopol as a place to exchange experience and technical ideas, enjoy pleasant communication among our own people and, of course, help develop IT education in the region.

JUG - Java User Group, meetings JUG.SEV - this is a discussion of various technologies from the world of Java, exchange of experience, as well as just an interesting conversation in Sevastopol! We plan to hold regular meetings of JUG.SEV with lectures by Java experts on the most interesting topics.
Our site jugsev.ru , the community in VK - vk.com/jugsev ,
facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/JUGSEV/340252682811007

We invite all java-developers to the first meeting of JUG.SEV!

Meeting program:

1. Roman Elizarov from the company Devexperts c report
Millions of quotes per second on pure Java
The report will focus on those solutions and approaches that, based on real experience, allow us to reach a reasonable compromise between performance and complexity, which largely determines the choice of the Java platform. A real comparison with classical data providers with a ten-year history of developing and supporting their software in low-level languages ​​shows that Java features are not an obstacle to creating high-performance data processing systems, but rather, they allow you to catch up and overtake competitors due to the availability of more tools. increase the productivity of programmers, and simplify debugging and support.

2. Andrey Lespuh from Naumen with a report
Scala - simplifying complex
Let's talk about the problems of utilization of multi-core and multiprocessor systems, which are serious challenges for software development. Almost all developers have encountered or are faced with "races", "deadlock", the uncertainty of the order of implementation and do not have simple means to solve these problems. The report will cover the underlying technologies that Scala provides: parallel collections, actors, and parallel DSLs. It will be possible to see if you can easily and easily program in a multi-threaded environment.

3. You can make a report, submit an application!

4. Lightning talks
Lightning talks is a series of five-minute reports, you can apply for them at any time, at least 5 minutes before the start. The presentation is optional but desirable. The topic of the report is limited only to Java, you can talk about, for example, a newly discovered framework or a problem that you have recently solved.
Lightning talks is a great way to try yourself as a speaker. Therefore, we are waiting for your application for a report on lightning talks.

5. Afterparty - kebabs and Crimean wine

Participation is free, do not forget to register!

We are waiting for you on November 15 at 12.00 in the center of technological entrepreneurship "Sloboda" (Geroev Stalingrad ave., 49a)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240351/

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