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25 PHP developers you can subscribe to

The article is a translation of 25 PHP Developers to Follow Online .

Creating PHP frameworks is hard work, but it’s very easy to follow their development and the activities of committers on Twitter. If you want to see which way the PHP community is moving, what is the trend now and what tools are used in advanced projects, just look, subscribe to these people.

Here is a list of 25 PHP developers to subscribe to. I hope that you will find their experience useful and that you will definitely take advantage of yourself.

1. Rob Allen. Zend Framework Contributor, Zend Framework Education Board Member, and co-author of Zend Framework in Action . Creator Nineteen Feet .

2. Sebastian Bergmann. Pioneer of automated testing in PHP. PHPUnit testing framework creator and co-founder of thePHP.cc .

3. Jordi Boggiano. Lead Composer Developer. Participates in the development of symfony2. Partner in Nelmio .

4. Dries Buytaert. Creator and leader of the Drupal project. President of the Drupal Association. Co-founder and CTO at Acquia .

5. Angela Byron. One of the core Drupal kernel keepers and director of community development for Acquia . Recipient of awards for top contributors of Google-O'Reilly Open 2008 Source and co-author of Using Drupal .

6. Evan Coury. Certified PHP 5.3 and Zend Framework engineer, regular speaker at development conferences. Creator Roave .

7. Cal Evans. Architect. Developer Representative at GetPantheon .

8. Anthony Ferrara. Developer with expertise in security, performance and OOP. Developed a new, more secure password API in PHP 5.5 .

9. Ed Finkler. A member of the Fictive Kin team, working in Gimme Bar and on other products. Creator of Open Sourcing Mental Illness, an awareness campaign and awareness of mental illness in the developer community. Co-host of Development Hell podcast. Created Spaz , the audit tool for PHPSpecInfo, and the Inspekt library for PHP.

10. Larry Garfield. Architect in Palantir . Also involved as lead architect of the Drupal 7 database and lead on web services in Drupal 8. Co-author of Drupal 7 Module Development .

11. Sara Golemon. Engineer on Facebook, working on HHVM . Wrote libssh2 and (as written on its page) "a significant piece of Yahoo! search frontend." Author Extending and Embedding PHP .

12. Andi Gutmans. Coauthor of PHP 3 and Zend engine, developer of PHP4 kernel. Co-founder and CEO of Zend Technologies . Coauthor of PHP 5 Power Programming .

13. Emma Jane Hogbin. Drupal developer, temizator, and open source geek. Co-author of the book Front End Drupal and author of the Drupal User's Guide .

14. Rasmus Lerdorf. PHP creator.

15. Matthew Weier O'Phinney. Architect open-souce software. PM in Zend Framework . Certified zend engineer and member of the Zend Education Advisory Board. Speaker and writer.

16. Taylor Otwell. Created by Laravel .

17. Nikita Popov. Student of the Berlin Technical University. Maintainer PHP parser, written in PHP , and the distributor of PHP 5.5 features, such as generators and coroutines , support arbitrary values ​​in empty () .

18. Fabien Potencier. Co-founder and CEO of SensioLabs . Founder and leader of the symfony project.

19. Derick Rethans. PHP engineer and evangelist in MongoDB, author of Xdebug . Posted by php / architect's Guide to Data and Time Programming . Coauthor of PHP 5 Power Programming .

20. Lukas Smith. Developer symfony. PHP and PEAR contributor. Programmer and partly manager in Liip .

21. Marco Tabini. Vice President TelemetryApp . Since December 2012 he has been working with php | architect , writing excellent publications for PHP developers.

22. Juan Treminio. Experienced PHP / MySQL web developer from Mytrus . His work on PuPHPet makes a huge contribution to the development of the community.

23. Jonathan Wage. Technology Director OpenSky.com . Contributor of Doctrine and Symfony .

24. David Walsh. A web developer at Mozilla is also a core programmer for MooTools ,

25. Igor Wiedler. Contributor Symfony2, Silex and Composer . Former tmlid project phpBB .

* Special bonus link: * @official_php , official php.net twitter account. Subscribe to learn chips, tricks, new releases, bug fixes and all the latest information about PHP.

UPD1. thank you zloyusr

26. Benjamin Eberlei. Doctrine developer.

27. Bernhard Schussek. The developer of symfony (in particular symfony forms).

28. William Durand. Propel developer.

29. Mathias Verraes. Popular speaker at Agile and PHP conferences.

UPD2. thank you shoomyst

30. Phil Sturgeon. ex-founder of PyroCMS, lead developer at Ride, PHP-FIG member with voting rights.

31. Marco Pivetta. A RoaveTeam software consultant, a member of the doctrine2 core team, a member of the ZF2 core team, helps develop symfony (sometimes).

32. Matthias Noback. Dutch PHP / Symfony2 developer.

33. Jeremy Mikola. Most of the time working on the PHP driver for MongoDB and Doctrine MongoDB ODM.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240329/

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