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Monetizing Windows Phone apps with ads

Almost every developer who creates and distributes his programs or games, sooner or later he has a thought that it would not be bad to get profit from them. There are many ways to monetize: sales of the application, in-app purchases, advertising, etc. Each method has the right to life, some are more suited to this or that application, some less.

In this article I want to talk about advertising as the simplest and quite effective way to monetize applications.


A barrel of honey

Advertising is exactly what to start monetizing an application from, it’s pretty easy to build into an application and make a profit. Profit is charged for impressions and / or clicks from different providers in different ways. The last time is just clicks.
The profit from advertising can be predicted, for this you need to know the number of sessions per day and the average time of one session, this is of course an approximate calculation, but at least it allows predicting the order of numbers.
Calculation example
We have 10,000 sessions per day and 10 minutes per session. The average banner display time is 30 seconds; 20 banners will be shown per session. 10,000 * 20 = 200,000 banner impressions per day. Although the payment goes for clicks, but the CTR, as a rule, does not change much (CTR of the ratio of clicks to impressions). Price per 1000 impressions in the region of 6-10 rubles (this is translated into clicks, in the current reality among Russian advertising providers on Windows Phone). 200,000 impressions per day / 1000 * (6-10 rubles) = 1200-2000 rubles per day.

A spoon of tar

The above earnings figure for the day is very idealistic. I'll try to explain why.

All FillRate advertising providers (the number of responses with advertisements to the total number of ad requests) are less than 100%.
Good advertising providers, inside themselves keep statistics on efficiency after the transition and, depending on this, give expensive advertising or cheaper advertising.

As a rule, advertising customers can select the category of the application where it will be displayed. Such advertising is effective for applications and poorly suited for games.

Advertising is different and there is little that can be done, this is 18+ content (it can be turned off), advertising windows and so on ...
Adding advertisements to an application generates a number of disgruntled users and sometimes negative reviews appear. If the user interfaces are not obstructed, there will not be so many of them.

Some reviews draw the attention of users to the presence of advertising. Very well recommended script is disabling advertising for money or disconnecting after in-app purchases.

Advertise on WP

There are fewer advertising providers on Windows Phone than on other platforms, but there are still plenty of them. The situation is changing every year for the better. All new and new providers are beginning to support Windows Phone and every year the fullness of the advertising network increases.

Begun , Plus1 , Adduplex I have been using for several years, because My main application is focused on Russia. Last year I looked at other advertising providers, but for Russia, the indicators were, to put it mildly, not very good, and there was no choice at all.

A year has passed and before launching my new application, I decided to do a little research, from late August to early September, which consisted in testing the most popular 10 advertising providers for Windows Phone.

Advertising should be divided into two broad categories:
A small advertising banner, it is usually 480 * 80, and sometimes less

Large full screen banner, inserted in the transitions between screens

As advertising used small advertising banners.

The list contains advertising providers that I used for testing.

  1. AdMob - Global
  2. Smaato - Global
  3. Begun - Russia and CIS
  4. Plus1 - Russia and CIS
  5. Adduplex - Global
  6. Mobfox - Global
  7. Inmobi - Global
  8. Vserv - India
  9. Leadbolt - Global
  10. Mmedia - USA

I will not bother you with numbers, but I can say that the first 5 providers showed the best result - FillRate and income, with a very large margin from the rest. I recommend to insert them into your application one by one, but all together is better.

A few words about these 5 providers


Popular in Russia and the CIS. Well established itself as a Russian advertising provider.
Of the benefits, not a bad CTR, the most expensive clicks I've ever seen.
Of the minuses, not explicit registration, the old SDK for WP7.5. Medium Fill Rate for applications and low for games.
To connect you must register as a partner .
The SDK, an example and a description of the work can be downloaded here .


Popular in Russia and the CIS. In contrast, the runner is more stable in terms of the price of clicks, but in terms of revenue for the year, it can be said that it comes out about the same as Begun.
Of the benefits. Simple clear control panel. There is an access to the API, as an advertisement serves an image, hyphae animation or text. Ability to use advertising without using web-browser control 'a.
Of the minuses. Lack of SDK.


Most popular in server and South America. In Russia, a little common. It has a very good FillRate outside of Russia.


Coverage - the whole world. Has a very good FillRate.

Due to the specifics of their advertising banners, Smaato and Admob have a low CTR, but such banners are effective for advertisers, since exclude accidental clicks.


Windows Phone and Windows oriented advertising provider, allows you to advertise your applications in exchange for displaying ads in your application by a factor of 0.8.
Recently, it is possible to make a profit in it again - AdDuplex Direct , by selling its advertising platform, an application that you like, but is not yet in demand. To get into this program, you must have at least 10,000 impressions per day.
With the last major update, you can use a graphic banner, which greatly improves the content and increases the CTR - well, if the banner is attractive.
Of the minuses, you can not set the targeting by region for the application, this is only possible for an advertising company. In other words, if your application is only for Russia, then the meaning of using Adduplex will be extremely low, because return traffic will be from around the world.


I recommend using not one advertising banner, but as much as possible! More than once, I watched how any advertising provider drops FillRate to zero for a couple of days, and this is easy if you use only it. Depending on the region, thematic advertising providers provide more revenue, although they are less full.
For advertising rotation use various advertising rotators. AdrotatorV2 seemed to me the most attractive.
Some advertising providers offer to use the rotation of advertisements from other providers within themselves, by adding an ID, unfortunately, I have not tested this functionality yet.


Advertising is a fairly simple and effective way to monetize your applications. The answer to the question that interests everyone is whether it is possible to live on the money received - yes it is possible.
My friend has already added Admob and Smaato to his application, and his ad revenue has increased 2.5 times. I decided to release my new application without ads, focusing on micropayments.

useful links

AdRotator V2

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240311/

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