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Its 2-stroke engine. CR620

Since Habr is a non-specialized resource on the subject of fasting, therefore, perhaps, I will follow the style of “just about complicated” .

About 4 years ago I came to understand that I had grown from an Izhp5 motor, the design of which was carefully preserved by Izhevsk engineers for almost 70 years. And there are reasons for this: it copes with its tasks quite effectively. And everything seems to be fine, but the tasks before the motorcycle were a little different: light and powerful enduro, a resource for at least two seasons, dalnyak with a cruising speed of around 120 km / h, transportation in a wheelchair of junk and transport for every day. IZ safely satisfies only the last two tasks.

If from the chassis using grinders, metal, CAD-a, welding and machine tools, you can do almost everything, and the meaning of becoming attached to the standard is more than sufficient - documents. It is a different matter with the motor, and in fact it is the motorcycle that should be built around it, you can’t do with rough tools, and the work of the mountain. Actually, therefore, comrades customizers torture the chassis in the best traditions of the designer, who mimics as an engineer, but rarely climb into the engine and gearbox, preferring to buy a ready-made and not complicate his life, for it would only look.

DIY, and it will turn out more expensive, but more interesting

Initially, he planned to torment the motor ps, turning it 500ss. The cylinder and crankshaft had to be made to order. Having prepared approximate drawings of parts, I began to look for a factory or a company that would undertake their manufacture. I wanted to start from the cylinder liner, but no one took it up: someone refused to openly, someone promised to call back, someone offered a cast-iron pig. In general, I did not find those who wanted to take up this business. Now years later, I understand my mistake - I was not looking there, the first bell of the crisis fur. processing rang out.

Thus, the idea of ​​own cylinder at that moment had to be abandoned. Needed a suitable cylinder from a serial motorcycle. And he was found in the face of the cylinder from the Honda CR500. Making an estimate of the project, I found out that buying a whole motor from a Honda would be a bit more expensive: the difference in the price of the motors was compensated for by the difficulty in fine-tuning the Izhevsk brainchild. By the way, this idea did not die, after a long discussion, another person decided to take it, and I helped him with details. (Photos will not be published, it is available by reference ) .

Actually, so I came to the choice of motor Honda CR500. This is such a motocross bike of 80-90 years of the last century, the era of the domination of the 2nd and 500ss, we can say a living legend.

The idea is immortal
After some time, the engine was in parts pulled out with ebay. And everything seems to be ready for assembly, everything has been lying in the table for a long time, and the soul requires masturbation and obsessive thoughts about its engine and could not be chased away. I don’t want to assemble the cr500 in the standard, but the brain has managed to find strange engineering solutions in a noticeable quantity. There is no choice, you have to make your own cylinder, just using a different bottom.

cr500 standard motor

as a final result

Began to find out the price for casting - everything is bad. He began to learn about 3D printing forms, but to mold himself - the same thing. The 3d printing and casting crises became apparent. Its solution is clear: you need your own printer. And the money is bad, so the CPG sold, because it will be. Sold just to the person who accepted my old idea. With the proceeds and adding another top got his 3d printer.

Designed forms, gaining experience printing, redid them. I love double work.

And printed them. It took 3.5 kg of plastic and 252 hours of machine time.

What would the monster fit, you need to cook the crankcase, although I did not want to do this.

In the meantime, the summer has come, and together with the warm weather, the casting season.

The first pancake is notoriously lumpy, so I didn’t transfer good metal to it, but melted the cornices, from which yellow smoke was flowing, growing slowly around the neighborhood, not disturbed by a single gust of fastidious wind.

Then there was the second cast, the scrap ended, and hoped to get a good one, but the second pancake resolutely went to the track of the first one.

Can't you stop half way? He again corrected the found errors and made new forms, by the way, it takes about a month of work for each set of forms.

Now I am in the wearying expectation of good weather, a rainy autumn has come to Karelia smoothly flowing into the winter. Apparently, this will be the last major casting this season, and I hope it will be successful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240287/

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