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The official Panasonic online store sends the password in clear and in a copy to 3 recipients.

At work came affiliate promo code for a discount. Registered on Panasonic eplaza (the official online store "Panasonic" on their domain).

The password in the letter came in clear view and a hidden copy (which not every client will show) to the following people: Alexey Bratushka (seomasterweb@gmail.com), Olga Paneetova (Olga.Panaetova@ru.panasonic.com) and Vadim Vihrov (vadim.vikhrov @ ru.panasonic.com). Why do these people need passwords: a question to the security service. And the use cases with the right hands are a bunch: a targeted address database + a login with a password that allows you to parse personal accounts and purchase history. Dictionary database passwords. Take it and send it.

At the same time, when registering, they collect data about the date of birth, income, etc. - even now go to the bank if someone faithfully fills in. Partners are asked to specify the mail of the corporate: many in the online store can specify the same password as in the work mail (ordinary users will, of course, indicate their regular mail).
Be careful.

Update: great, just great. Want to change your password? You will receive a letter to the box with the status of changing the password, a copy of the same 3 people and, attention, a link at the end, according to which you can change the password again (“sarcasm” tag: to help SEO, not otherwise, since the password is not changed when changing) ).

Storage of LLC “Panasonic Rus” of personal data of Users
Panasonic Rus LLC stores User personal data on a secure server on the territory of the Russian Federation
Panasonic Rus LLC takes all the legal, organizational and technical measures provided for by the Federal Law No. 152- “On Personal Data” to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, distribution, and also from other illegal actions in relation to personal data. At the same time, the User is informed that the measures taken do not guarantee the complete protection of websites, data transmission on the Internet, computer systems or wireless connections.
During registration, the User receives (assigns) a password for access to certain sections of the site (Personal Account), “Panasonic Rus” LLC guarantees its confidentiality. For its part, the User undertakes not to disclose the password to third parties.

Update 2:

Update 3 (17:41) Official comment from Panasonic:
On October 13, 2014, information was published in a number of Internet resources regarding the possible leakage of data from users of the Panasonic ePlaza online store.
The administration of the online store is aware of the problem found by users and is already actively taking steps to eliminate it. Currently, the possibility of unauthorized access to personal information of users of our online store is blocked. In the near future, a message will be sent to all registered users with instructions on how to change the password.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240233/

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