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How to keep a customer: 5 gorgeous examples of email marketing

Today, everyone is doing mailings and doing it for one simple reason - mailings work. But what letters do you write to customers specifically to convince them to come back and buy something else?

None? That's it. And you are not alone.

The ability to retain a client is a difficult task, and understanding how you can achieve this using email will immediately affect your profit.

What is a "hold"?

It can be measured by determining the percentage of customers who make repeated purchases. This is the flip side of the parameter showing the part of your clientele that does not make repeated purchases from you.
There are many factors that affect retention, and the main ones, in my opinion, are the following:

1. Attracting the "right" customers. You should strive to get as many “ideal” customers as possible. The ideal customer is the one that gets the most out of your product or service. He is loyal, it is peculiar to him to long become attached to what he liked.
2. Activation. The fact that a client has somehow come into contact with your business does not mean that he will actually buy something. This is especially true of the world of online software: if someone wanted to download a free test version, it does not mean that you caught it. You must ensure that each user actually performs a target action or actions that will turn it into an active client. If you put the need to activate customers at the forefront, it will increase your chances of keeping them.
3. Follow up. Even if you got the right customers and quickly activated them, it is extremely important to continue to monitor those who become inactive and invite them to come back, persuade them to use your program or make another purchase. To maximize the retention rate, you have to spend a lot of time convincing customers not to leave.

So when you’ve all realized that, what do you say now about how to use email to increase retention?

1. Activation Letters from Dropbox

For Dropbox , if there is no installation, then there is no business. You will never turn into their client, who pays from year to year if you don’t install Dropbox, so this company takes so much time to convince you of the need for installation.

Here is a letter that Dropbox sends a few days after registering a client, if he hasn’t yet installed the program:

Clever, simple and to the point. Such “activation letters” should be sent to users if they have not performed the target action.
How to repeat the success of this campaign

1. Decide on the key action metric. For example, with Twitter, this is when a client has registered a list of more than 30 accounts, with Vero (a trigger email service), when a client has sent his first email, etc.
2. If the user has not committed the action within three days after registration, write to him.
3. Do what is called a call to direct action, and arrange everything so that the client is just to get help.

2. SocialWOD learning letters

SocialWOD helps fitness trainers keep track of their clients' daily activities. The CEO of SocialWOD realized that users must realize the benefits of the product even before they are ready to become customers.

To do this, he created a series of 6 emails that were sent over 21 days. They were dedicated to telling fitness trainers about SocialWOD and how its functions are useful. It was not a direct sale, people simply received advice on the issues that they might have, gradually penetrating the understanding that buying SocialWOD would make their lives easier!

Here are the headers of these six letters:

How to repeat the success of this campaign

You are an expert in your business. You think about it all day and night. Create 5-8 letters, share in them for free useful and instructive stories related to the scope of your business, and send these letters to customers.

3. Amazon Review Notes

Amazon is just an email marketing idea generator. They have one of the most thoughtful campaigns in the world, so, of course, it makes sense to take an example from them.

Amazon pays a lot of attention to the “retenshenu” (return) of the user, so that he again makes a purchase on Amazon.com . The return of the client leads to the fact that the total cost of attracting the client is reduced, and this undoubtedly benefits business.
Every time you buy a book on Amazon through the Kindle, you get something like this:

Why is this tactically true?

1. Because so customers are lured to the Amazon site, even if they first interacted with him through the Kindle. On the site they will see the whole range of proposals, not only about digital books.
2. And no, this is not a direct sale of goods . This is a clear and understandable letter that simply prompts you to take a key action — to evaluate the book .

How to repeat the success of this campaign

Select customers who have already bought something from you and ask them to review or give their assessment. This is not just good, for online commerce it is natural , and leads to the fact that customers will return to your site for new purchases.

Organize a similar campaign, it will take you several hours, but the number of "retained" customers will grow steadily.

4. Flightfox Combo Letters

Flightfox is a crowdsourced flight search engine. They are tied to information, and emails mean for them almost everything.

Only regular newsletters helped them increase sales by 10%, and now they send a letter to Flightfox to those customers who have previously traveled.

This letter turns users into repeat customers with an efficiency of about 3%. It is simply incredible that a single email can have such an effect.

How to repeat the success of this campaign

Where in your sales funnel can you convince a customer to make a repeat purchase? Find this place and make it so that when it is reached, the user would automatically be sent a letter reminding you that you are and that you are interested in returning it.

Expert advice: Experiment with sentences and texts. It may be very useful to offer a small bonus to first-time return customers in order to push them to re-purchase even more efficiently, and loyal users (who made three or more purchases) may simply have reminder letters.

5. Weekly webinar HelpJuice

Emil is the founder of the HelpJuice service, which helps entrepreneurs automate the work of a support service based on a developed knowledge base.

Emil sends many different emails to users of the free trial, but the most effective of these emails is the following:

Topic: You MUST visit this webinar: Effective tactics, which reduced the number of support calls by 1 million and made users happier

Hi Chris!

I am writing this letter to you because you recently registered with HelpJuice.

I want to share with you simple secrets, knowing that EACH Helpjuice user can make the number of emails to the support service reduced by more than 1,000,000. That is, you will save a lot of time and your customers will be happy.

All this is quite interesting. For companies like Amazon, Coastal.com or Microsoft, it is very important to automate their support, but few know how they do it.

I WANT you to join us at our largest webinar, which we are going to hold (it is free and this time only for 50 participants; when there are 50 people online, it’s easier to talk with them than with 200). We are not going to organize such events often, so you have to hurry before the train leaves. Everything will last only 30-45 minutes (including questions and bonus materials).

To register on Tuesday or Friday, you must click on this link right now: ……

Not decided yet? But Mario from PetRelocation liked the webinar so much that he wrote to us immediately after the “show”:

“Thank you, Emil, great! It was the best webinar in which I have ever participated ... Previously, at such events, it seemed to me that I was wasting my time, but not this time. I liked how you honestly talked about how things are, and did not try to impose anything. Mario Herbert, PetRelocation.com. ”

Come join us. Register already and forget yourself a place: ……

See you at the webinar,

your friend Emil

This email, as well as follow-up reminders, invite users to a weekly webinar, which tells how large companies reduce their time spent on customer support.

The letter is fantastic, it urges to hurry and aims HelpJuice clients to quickly accomplish the target action . Emil said that in this way he managed to double the number of customers who “come back”, which is an outstanding achievement and which we all would also very much like.

How to repeat the success of this campaign

Every business has its marketing content. If you convert it and target new customers, it will only benefit.

Adjust the content to solve this problem, and your product will be purchased more actively. We can talk about a video, about your own webinar, about a presentation or an e-book - only they should be practical and relatively short.

This approach works because it allows your customers to really learn something, and also gives the whole action a touch of exclusivity - that is, it is them you are helping to solve their problems!

A client who thinks so becomes loyal much faster, and the retention rate increases.

What should be done

These five examples refer to companies of different sizes, but they all have something in common: they are successful and they are developing. And they use email marketing to keep customers as long as possible.

An increase in the retention rate means an increase in the financial return from each registered user. As a result, the business goes better, you get more profit from each client, you get a better tool for work!

Spend retensenu and increase the duration of customer activity as much time as you devote to finding these customers - and you will be amazed at the growth of your business.

Choose one of the described options that is best for your case, and implement it immediately. Spend a couple of hours to reap the benefits forever!

PS From the translation editor: Continuing the theme, see my next article, "Three effective e-mails that many marketers forget . "

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240227/

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