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Seedcamp Eastern Europe

I want to invite residents of Habr and sympathizers to take part in SeedCam Eastern Europe , which will be held in Kiev on May 21-22, 2008 .
A little about the event itself:
SeedCamp is organized by leading European venture funds as a social initiative. The aim of the project is to support young entrepreneurs and projects that make their first steps. The event consists of two parts. The first consists of short sessions conducted by mentors, they tell students about various aspects of building startups. The second consists of the presentation of projects to investors.
In this case, the team of mentors will consist of 50% of people from Old Europe, and 50% from Eastern Europe.
In fact, this is a good chance for absolutely young teams to receive early funding for the project. On the other hand, SeedCamp is an event where young teams can communicate in an almost informal atmosphere with venture business gurus, access to which, in most cases, is blocked by an army of analysts and venture capital experts.

Three projects for participation have already been selected during the TMT Kiev'08 conference .

More details:
Seed camp
SeedCamp Eastern Europe
SeedCamp Team
SeedCamp Eastern Europe Program
Projects can be sent to the address info@seedcamp.com.ua

Terms of project participation:
Seedcamp Rules
There is nothing wrong with deviating from the rules and generally accepted norms. This is the spirit of true entrepreneurship. However, we ask the team not to violate more than two of the following rules, that is, you must comply with at least 6 of the 8 rules.
1. Developers. The team leader or his partner must be the product developer. It is also possible to designate a third party who is a developer and is able to develop a product or a core service on the market.
2. Using the Internet. The product or service of your team should be connected to the Internet, preferably an innovative idea.
3. Investment support. Before applying for participation in Seedcamp, your team should not have in its assets serious cash funds from professional investors. A small investment fund is acceptable (from friends, family, acquaintances), but the key word is “small”.
4. Team. Two to five people. Of course, united by a single goal and idea.
5. Prototype. You must have a prototype business model, product, or core service to demonstrate to Seedcamp experts during the application process. Pay attention to this when filling out the application form.
6. Youth of the project. We prefer projects that have not yet been introduced to the market. If your products or services are already implemented and are present in the market, they should not be widely known from the media.
7. Devotion to the idea. The more you are committed to your idea, the more convincingly you will have to prove that you are capable of its realization.
8. We invite teams from anywhere in the world, with the ability to freely communicate in English. However, our wish is to jointly develop the business starting from European markets.


If there are any questions - write to habrapochta, I am a little involved in the organization of this event.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/24021/

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