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About pricing

At the weekend we went to visit friends, traditionally with them it was decided to take something to drink. We bought a small package of Corona beer in the store. 6 0.3 l bottles = 70 UAH.

I drank this beer for the first time, did not like it, but now about the other - almost 12 UAH for a small bottle, as for me, the search is still the same. How this beer differs from the same Slavutich Ice, which costs three times cheaper, I do not know, but again - and now a little about something else. I saw dozens of times how this beer is drunk by people whose income is not higher, or even lower than the average. What for? (even 0.5 German or Czech is cheaper).

Last week I was in Rome, in addition to traditional historical monuments I decided to look for something interesting “non-architectural”. Found - the oldest cafe in 1900 with 40 types of ice cream and the place where they cook "the most delicious cappuccino in the world." About the latter - just found through Google. I came to a cafe, drank, I realized that I never drank such tasty food in my life and paid ... 1.20 euro per cup. Those. about 9 UAH. I can be mistaken, but the crappy drink called in such a word in any of our coffee-shop chains costs not less than 15 UAH, and now, probably, more. I wonder if I would find in Google the information that there is the most delicious coffee - would it cost 80 or 100 UAH per cup?
Attention matters. Someone understands why a lot of people in Ukraine consume goods that they objectively cannot afford and the second one - does someone know how pricing really works in Ukraine?

PS Corona was bought from an experiment :)

PPS I used the phrase - the average income. And what is the current income of the average resident of the same Kiev?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/24020/

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