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Meeting on edcrunch

This post is for those who are involved in a serious education.

On October 17-18, an amazingly high-quality speaker conference takes place in Moscow, at which key participants in the educational market will discuss the MOOC issue. The composition of the participants is really star. And if Daphne from Coursera is no longer surprising, then EDX Director Agarwal and Iversity founder Klepper (the German project, and Russian Dmitry Dmitry Filatov, by the way, leads the development) on the same site - this is much more interesting.

Yakov Somov calls to the conference.

From Russia there is also an impressive list. Kohl Vyahhi vyahhi , bioinformatics evangelist (stepic), Taras Pustovoy tvp , who gave us the MIPT content, Evgenia Kulik, who organized the launch of HSE courses, Sasha Pershin AlexPershin - html academy (of the rarest quality interactive content), Igor Asonov iasonov FABLAB is expected and etc.

In short, many habravchan and some other people.

Natasha Chebotar and Vladimir Sinelnikov, my friends from edutainme (the best edition of online education in runet), did a great job. It seems that they were able to collect almost all who "do care." And, not least, universities are widely represented.

Now, when the hype about the massive open online courses (MOOC) is gradually subsiding, everyone has finally started asking the right questions. Why run these courses? How to produce and publish them? What data to collect and how to analyze them?

Gradually, there comes an understanding that the MOOK is not a panacea, but a very narrow tool. That is what I will talk about in my report using the example of Lectorium’s experience.

I invite everyone who cares about the designated topic to join.
Pay attention for teachers and teachers have free quotas, write to the organizers. Require tickets.


PS Organizers MISiS, DO and edutainme.ru.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240155/

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