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"Habrahabr" represents Geektimes

Announcing the introduction of "Habrahabra" in the register of distributors of information, we made it clear that we plan to transfer some of the content to a new project. The decision to make non-core hubs in another place isolated from Habrakhabra has long been ripe inside the company. But something was missing to make a decision to start. The introduction of "Habra" in the register of distributors of information was the impetus for the start of decisive action.

What happened?

So, we decided to put on a separate project all hubs-oftopiki and non-core hubs that do not belong to the field of professional knowledge of IT specialists and prevent positioning “Habrahabr” exclusively as a professional, hardcore resource, where IT people share their experience with each other and improve their professional skills.

Looking through the possible names, we stopped at a combination of two words that the geeks could understand. The result is the name Geektimes (“Geek Times”, or “Geek Times”). We tried to keep the name secret and we were lucky that it was declassified according to the results of an investigation by one of our users after we bought all the domains that look like names from squatters.

What is geektimes?

Structurally, Geektimes looks like an exact copy of the older brother, Habrakhabra, with the exception that we slightly changed the color scheme to visually separate two similar sites. Closed registration, inviting system, voting for publications, karma, filtering thresholds - everything is like on “Habré”.

Thanks to Geektimes, instead of “struggling” and tightening the screws with respect to the information considered to be non-core on Habré, we will, on the contrary, encourage its creation and distribution. For example, the hub "Legislation and IT-business", for which a year ago we were rightly accrued for the most tomatoes, at Geektimes will be specialized. Moreover, we have created a hub of a similar theme - “ Regulation of the Internet ”. There are such hubs as " Games ", " Lifehacks for geeks ", " Medgadzhety " and others - subscribe!

The same with many other hubs, which on the “Habré” were considered oftopics. If earlier when publishing material on a popular science topic or a review of another interesting gadget, you doubted whether it would not blur the subject of “Habra”, now you can safely share such information on Geektimes. Similarly, we want to expand the popular science topic and will be happy to accept proposals for the creation of new hubs.

At Geektimes, we have already created several new hubs and during the first time after launch we will actively add others, including focusing on your suggestions. Unlike Habrakhabr, there is no hub rubricator at Geektimes - we will determine it as soon as we create most of the new hubs and understand how they could be structured.

What happened to the publications?

As mentioned above, publications were transferred to hubs of oftopiki and non-core hubs. If the publication was placed in at least one profile hub, it remained on the “Habré”. If the publication was placed in any hubs other than the profile one, it moved to Geektimes, along with ratings, comments, a view counter and other data. As a result, specialized publications (and hubs) remained on Habré, and all non-core and oftopics moved to Geektimes and, on the contrary, became specialized. Win-win game, as people rushing in foreign words like to say.

What happened to the users?

During the transfer, we copied the entire user base as is. On Geektimes you can log in using account data on Habré (or TM ID). If it turned out that all user posts posted on “Habré” moved to Geektimes - his karma on Habré was reset, but remained unchanged on the new project. Most likely, for some of the users, this zeroing will become a drama, however, we ask you to understand our plan. We want the influence on “Habré” to have users whose publications are specialized and help others develop professional skills.

What happened to the companies?

All content published by companies (as part of its card) remained at Habré. At the same time, we duplicated cards of companies with active subscriptions, including all settings, on Geektimes, and added an additional quarter to the current subscription expiration date. As a result, it turned out that companies with an active subscription to Habré had a similar subscription to Geektimes with a longer duration. In the future, you can use both resources, or separately - depending on the task.

What's next?

The division of "Habrakhabr" into two similar resources is the point from which further resources will move each their own way. We do not plan any radical changes in the ideology and mechanisms of Habrahabra. Our goal is to develop a professional resource where people are creating value added. In Geektimes we will experiment and try to incorporate an editorial team into the project, which together with the users will work on the project content. If anyone does not know, back in 2006, Habrahabr began as a hybrid project, where users and the editors shared information. The history of the project began with this and we came to this point many years later, having decided to single out Geektimes and planning to make it more hybrid, in contrast to the fully autonomous Habrahabr.

We will develop both projects and introduce new solutions that improve the work of the authors and the overall impression of the product. We will admit that we will generally run around all the new chips on the “Habré”, however some solutions will be tested on Geektimes. For example, new types of publications, such as slideshows.

In the coming days, we will fine-tune the two related projects, recalculating ratings, indices and other parameters. We ask you to treat with understanding, we are making every effort to make "Habrahabr" and Geektimes even more convenient for you.

In social networks:
Habrahabr: Twitter | Vkontakte | Facebook
Geektimes: Twitter | Vkontakte | Facebook

Hey ho

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240135/

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