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3D image of Mars based on photographs of the Indian orbiting satellite Mangalyaan + photo from Rosetta

Recently, the Indians presented a stereoscopic image of Mars, made up of new images obtained by the Mangalyaan Martian orbital probe. It is worth recalling that Mangalyaan is a project of Indian scientists, which set several records at once. So, this is the most inexpensive project of the Martian apparatus, the most successful project in the entire history of the development of Mars (the Indians managed to make a successful launch and go into Mars orbit from the very first time) and others.

The purpose of Mangalyaan is to study the composition of the Martian atmosphere, determine the concentration of methane in the atmosphere, and map the surface. Now Mangalyaan continues to send more and more new images of the surface of the Red Planet, on the basis of which the Indian Space Agency has compiled a stereoscopic image of Mars.
The images used to create the volumetric image were obtained on September 28, from a distance of 74500 kilometers. The picture clearly shows a giant dust storm occupying a large region in the Northern Hemisphere. Below, on the right, you can see the South Pole, with an ice cap (frozen carbon dioxide and water).

2D version

It is worth noting that this is not the first stereoscopic image of Mars. Previously, such images were based on high-quality images sent by the Rosetta station. These images were obtained by OSIRIS high resolution camera on February 24, 2007, from a distance of about 240 thousand kilometers.

The Rosetta team created both a black and white and color 3D image:

In addition, it was Rosetta who helped create a true-color snapshot of the Red Planet.

As for the Indian orbiter, the cost of the entire project was only $ 73 million, which is many times lower than the cost of similar projects. True, the orbital station itself is not as complicated as other projects.

Mangalyaan took its position in orbit on September 21. The minimum expected duration of the apparatus is six months, the maximum is 10 years or more.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240129/

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