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The practice of creating adequate answers to inadequate customer questions

Probably many of us had to work with an inadequate customer. During the last such project, the guys and I made a list of answers to the customer’s frequently asked questions))

1) Why am I just now learning about the technologies used?
2) Why do you use JBoss Seam? I found out about it just now
You are not the first time to blame us for this, pliz, check the story in icq:
Customer (date - one month before the start of work):
surely there are ready-made frameworks in which it will be easier to create this standard functionality
We: of course, because we offer to use Java EE + JBoss Seam
Customer: there now! this is exactly what you need!

1) what have you done, there is nothing
2) what has been done in the last month
3) little has been done in the previous 3 months and a lot now everything needs to be redone
if we get a clear TZ and its requirements do not change every day, then the work is done just in time. For the last (time unit) task ( task name) changed (number) times according to your requirement, because exactly what you asked to do during this time is done.

Customer: why I did not see it
I do not know which of the two answers will be correct ... maybe because your integrators have not yet uploaded the project from the repository to the server, or you just have not looked yet.
Customer: why everything slows down
Answer: I do not know! what are you smoking?

1) why in this frame (Seam) there are no ready-made components, this is some kind of inferior framework
2) what kind of framework you have chosen is that there are no such basic things as paginated output in it. And of what I hear just for us there is nothing useful in it?
Answer: it has all the necessary components, and we use them until it comes to very specific things.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/24012/

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