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Google's beta service allows you to conduct video conferences with your doctor, directly from the results of search results for symptoms

Imagine how good it would be - something hurts you (for example, a knee, after falling from a bicycle), and within a few minutes after turning on the PC you will be able to talk to a doctor who can assess your condition and give advice. It is clear that remote communication with a doctor is not a complete examination, but already something.

So, now Google is testing an interesting service: video chat with a doctor. A suggestion to talk to a doctor is displayed when you search Google for certain symptoms. The circle of testing is very narrow, so it is unlikely that many users will be able to try out a new kind of communication with doctors. Nevertheless, the corporation has already confirmed the fact of launching such a service in test mode.

It is clear that doctors will not communicate with virtual patients for free - in the near future, if testing is successful, the service will be paid. However, the corporation currently covers the cost of communicating with a doctor, so if anyone can talk to a doctor, it will be free.

The service is really interesting, you should agree - after all, each of us got into a situation where you can’t immediately go to a doctor, but you need to get advice (for example, a case when a child gets sick on December 30-31 and the family doctor leaves to relax by turning off the phone - the real).

Provided that the connection is good, and the video equipment of the patient and the doctor is good, you can probably assume the possibility of evaluating reddening of the throat, or remote examination of the same knee ...

Via engadget

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240113/

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