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Our favorite CodeIgniter has found a new home.

When we announced that we were looking for a new home for CodeIgniter, we were almost washed away by a wave of emails from potential candidates (by the way, the letters still continue to come). At first sight, a simple question arose before us: to whom can we entrust the support of the framework? But finding the right answer turned out to be more difficult - we could not be mistaken.

We quickly discarded those who had no experience, rejected the applications of those who did not have sufficient funds or time to support such a large project. We also refused to those who did not agree on the vision of the future framework. And still there are many good candidates with sufficient strength, capabilities and good ideas. But one candidate still stood out from the rest.
The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), located in Vancouver, Canada, is one of the well-known and respected institutes of applied technologies, which teaches bright, kind, eternal about 48 thousand students. Their remarkable School of Computational and Academic Studies (BCIT School of Computing and Academic Studies) annually teaches a course on CodeIgniter to 150 students. Now they are managers of the framework.

The dean and the faculty support various projects using the “living lab” model, which allows you to engage students and give them practical experience. They created impressive living labs in construction, energy, and health care. This model is also perfect for CodeIgniter, and BCIT has the necessary resources and infrastructure for effective project management.

The project will be led by James Parry (James Parry), a teacher of web technologies at the above-mentioned BCIT school, with many years of experience with CodeIgniter. He will convene a steering committee, in charge of which will be the expansion and improvement of the framework. This committee will consist of representatives from the CodeIgniter community, as well as some prominent BCIT students with commercial web development experience. CodeIgniter will be the object of study for BCIT students, on the basis of which they will practice and gain experience with a real tool, rather than a greenhouse training prototype.

Perhaps this is the most important advantage offered by BCIT in comparison with other candidates. If you use CodeIgniter, you will get a noticeable benefit from this management strategy. The success of the students will actually be connected not only with the study, but also with the refinement of CodeIgniter to the level of the advanced framework in the modern programming environment. For all users, this approach will become a solid foundation with fresh views on which you can safely rely.

About the Institute of Technology of British Columbia

The Institute of Technology of British Columbia is a public institution of higher education, in which more than 48 thousand students study for approximately 350 programs annually.

As a leading Canadian institute of technology, BCIT has been closely involved in ensuring the prosperity of British Columbia in the field of economics, social sciences and environmental care since 1964, releasing more than 150,000 fully-qualified specialists during this period.

BCIT is a leader in applied education, provides affordable training using a variety of different educational schemes, allowing you to obtain relevant skills in a wide range of disciplines, including information technology, business, shipbuilding, oil and gas production and processing, healthcare, applied research, media and engineering.

From translator

I remember the anxious moods that originated in the CodeIgniter user community when, in July 2013, EllisLab announced its intention to transfer the framework to someone for service. Already by that time there was a feeling that the project was “bent”, and after the release of this news, many with dismay began to think about switching to other frameworks, or even to other languages ​​in general (I still remember my mood close to “life is over I'll go learn Python "). But the latest news made it clear that life goes on.

In our company, this framework is used to solve some internal problems, and we, like the numerous interested habrasoobschestvu (and the CodeIgniter hub has almost 70 thousand subscribers), sincerely hope that a good project will receive a decent development, and that the new leadership will breathe new a life. Big ship - big torpedo big sailing.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240109/

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