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Video and review of the conference OSSDEVCONF-2014

A couple of weeks ago, the OSSDEVCONF-2014 conference was held in Kaluga, or more solidly the Eleventh Conference of Free Software Developers. The subject as a whole is “how to implement open source software”, “prospects for import substitution”, “open source software in all types - from government portal to CAD systems and Instant Messengers”, the intricacies of developing complex open source, chips of domestic Linux distributions. Speakers - ALT Linux, Red Hat, ROSA, Institute for System Programming, etc. Unfortunately, it turned out that a few people gathered - autumn illnesses mowed the participants and speakers (one of them was in a half-dead state and managed to record a remote report ...), well, it is difficult, despite being free, to gather people for a conference not in the city transport hub. As a result, only a half dozen reports, and they are looking for the audience - I made good-quality video recording (editing from several cameras and a screen, sound from microphones, animation technology, etc.)

Pikreleted - minute review video.

And under the cut I offer a brief review-classification with links to videos and additional materials (“slides, abstracts, contacts of the speaker”).

The actual topic of "Import Substitution" on the one hand is very vague, because a lot of weakly confirmed rumors are sucked up by discussions here and everywhere, on the other - the movement in this direction goes, we must determine not only with positions, but with the definitions themselves - and then you can listen to what the ALT Linux executives, members of the FPA, the DRAsO say on this topic ... and a representative of the Ministry was very much expected for the discussion, he promised, but unfortunately, he did not come. → “ Import substitution and the role of open source software in it ” dopmaterials - In my opinion , a brief squeeze is “OK preferences, you need to clearly understand what domestic software is, but whether it is open source is not so important,” but of course, does not convey the completeness of theses, need to look if the topic is interesting.

As for the kindergarten, to a point, the guys from Chelyabinsk wrote down an excellent open source queue to kindergartens (well, anywhere, in general), and without a hard implementation from the top, no one needs transparency in the field:

But if on the ground there are suddenly enterprising and honest officials (ay!), Then you don’t have to wait until the suffering state services are 100,500 times redone, there are already not only electronic lines, but also ready-made portals of the regional level:

Well, there is always an interesting topic of monetization of open-source → “Hack for getting money from GPL-works in small business” (although it is called differently):

ALT Linux-specific reports:

Here, I hope the dear reader will find something interesting (Sunday is the same), write comments, or follow the links to contacts (usually there are reliable links on social networks and, at worst, mail), and contact the authors.

By the way, these are still beta versions of the video, they have “debug information” embroidered in them - for example, red time markers of the true time. So if all of a sudden, you find some critical bug in the video (the sound is gone, you need to make the screen bigger in order to read something, or vice versa, remove the screen to see the laser pointer) - write me , or comment to the video, or BOS, in general, as you please - specifying this very range of time and problem - as long as (a couple of weeks), you can still fix it.

Bonus: here are the pictures from there, here are the pdf theses , here is the report from the photo-video about last year's OSSDEVCONF.

I hope that next year someone who reads will come to listen or tell.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240089/

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