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New internet search engine for kids

Children in no way want to lag behind adults and begin to master the Internet since childhood. You can somehow relate to the fact that children began to spend less time in the fresh air, replacing it with sitting down pants at the computer, but demand creates supply ...

Let me introduce you - AgaKids.ru , search on the Internet for the smallest. Everything, starting from a merry design, ending with a hard moderation of the content indexed by the service, indicates to us the target audience, more precisely, its age. The creators of AgaKids.ru claim that their search engine “does not index all sites in a row, but excludes those whose content is not suitable for a child’s eye and a child’s psyche. Before indexing, the site undergoes a tough moderator test. ”

The resource is not limited to the search line and is a portal system for children with their services, free postal service and even a tag cloud. I was pleased with the way the search results were organized: the pages found in the form of small screenshots are arranged one after the other in such a way that they can be scrolled by selecting the one you want. Very clearly, the children should like it.
How much I did not try to embarrass the search engine with my extensive knowledge in the field of obscene vocabulary and taboo expressions, he did not submit a view that he understood what it was about. This is a clear advantage of the system. The minus can be called the relatively poor content of search results, however, we hope that this is a matter of time.

via Se La Vie

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/24003/

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