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How to get rid of the step gradient after reinstalling Windows 8.1 on a laptop

Hi, Habr!

This post is to help those who are faced with the same problem, reinstalling the system on your laptop.

Recently purchased a laptop Asus k551ln. As a truly greedy student after a week of use, he decided to make a rejection of the system, the benefit of Dreamspark in the university is given by the keys to Enterprise. After installing the new system, “gradation” of gradients immediately caught my eye. For example, the sun on the lock screen looked more like a corrugated chip.

After a week of installing / reinstalling the drivers, digging in the color profiles of the monitor, desperately googling similar problems and communicating with Asus tech support, who almost immediately sent me to the service, I was already angry because of my own powerlessness, when on the forum they shared a torrent with me on the original recovery an image for my model. (I don’t have it, because I refused the license) Well, I thought, we’ll decide everything. But after the restoration of the original image, nothing has changed. But immediately any problems with the software were cut off - the root of evil lay a level below. I vaguely guessed about the cause of the problem from the very beginning, but now I could definitely check it out. I reset the BIOS to factory settings, and the image recovered from the recovery worked fine. So what was the problem?
The problem was in the included CSM in the BIOS. Since I made the installation flash drive using the win7 usb \ dvd download tool, I had to turn it on, because such a flash drive is not suitable for downloading in UEFI mode. What is the iron problem - in the wrong operation of the matrix in the CSM mode or in the video card - please write in the comments.
So the list is:
a) Create a UEFI bootable USB flash drive.
b) turn off the CSM support or reset the BIOS to factory settings.
d) PROFIT !!!
A week of anger and headache, and here it is, the solution to all problems! Here again, found the enterprise, normal flight!

To celebrate, I am writing this post to help the same unhappy.
PS Tell me the right hub

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240015/

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