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Cash self-service. Full review

I had long planned to write a post about self-checkout, but did not know how to take it and from which side to approach. The topic is quite extensive and telling the whole basis would be long enough. As a result, for the first article I decided to review the solutions presented in the Russian market in the field of self-service cash registers.

For America and Europe, self-checkout can not be called something new. The first box office was established by Optical Robotics in 1992. And in 2004, the company had already been acquired by Fujitsu along with the entire line of U-Scan machines. At the same time, NCR corporation, which at that time had its own line of self-service cash registers, FastLane, was also fighting for Optical Robotics technology.

In Europe, in addition to NCR and Fujitsu, self-service systems are represented by the ITAB , Wincor Nixdorf and IBM cash registers (together with Toshiba).

In Russia, the picture is slightly different. The developers of self-service cash desks in Russia are practically represented only by intermediary companies that received equipment for resale and service. Almost no one develops their own development, which is strange to me. Especially when you consider the objective blunders of existing solutions. On the other hand, it is easier to sell what is already sold and not to try to do something better and more worthwhile.

What can be found on the Russian market now? This is a solution from Wincor Nixdorf, NCR, ITAB, Fujitsu.

Wincor Nixdorf self-service cash desks

What is Wincor Nixdorf? First and foremost is the brand. Very good and recognizable in the retail equipment market. Behind him is not one decade of successful work on the development of cash equipment. Surely everyone came across an object with their Beetle system blocks. In addition to iron, the company also develops its own cash register software.

iSCAN Pos Tower 150 Cineo

The customer self-service solution is the sonorous name of iSCAN Pos Tower 150 Cineo. The prefix “Cineo” means that this cash desk is completed with a cash receipt module from the Japanese company Cineo. Cash processing modules can be supplemented by a back-office counting machine for automating cash flow in the store. In the future, such a system will allow money to be credited immediately to a bank account, but now such functionality in our country is still in development. From interesting - it is possible to deposit cash in bundles, as well as to fall asleep coins in a handful.

self-checkout Wincor Nixdorf

On the Russian market, the box office is delivered without a fiscal registrar and a bank pin. The latter is provided by the bank, and the fiscal registrar will be provided by the company integrator of this solution in Russia. Due to the presence of its own division - this is done by Wincor Nixdorf, or one of their partners.

Beetle MII Plus from Wincor Nixdorf acts as a POS computer. In addition to the box office, an assistant station can also be purchased. Its main purpose is remote monitoring of what happens at the checkout (in fact, the remote desktop before each checkout). Need it or not? The big question is, in my opinion, it is better for an assistant to move around the self-service area and monitor the work of buyers. And do not sit on a chair in front of this station. Still, the task of an assistant is help, and what help can there be without contact? Although here you may disagree, so leave an opinion on this issue for each of us.


iSCAN Pay Tower self-service cash desks

The appearance is impressive - a massive, well-assembled box office. Yes, and inside the sight for sore eyes. All wires are neatly tied up in pigtails and special protective blocks. All connections are made perfectly - in one word - German practicality. By the way, such practicality weighs even decently - about 520 kilograms.

Modular assembly is great. That is, replacing the modules, we can get completely different functionality. But this is not Project Ara. Rather, this approach facilitates production and simplifies the work of the assembly line. After the decision has been made, the client will not be able to change the configuration as he wishes. But still there is some space for maneuvers with him. So, if you compare it with examples from the world of gadgets, then this approach is more like a Motorola X with the ability to assemble for yourself.

Body material - plastic with a metal frame. At the approval stage of the delivery set, the color gamut of the solution is also selected.

Control of theft

Everything is simple here and at the same time “like all”. In fact, there are no differences, different manufacturers are just a different weight analysis algorithm. If you dig a little deeper, the control of thefts at the self-checkout is always built as follows:

  1. The man scans the goods;
  2. The system compares in its database the scanned item and the previously known weight of this item;
  3. The buyer puts the goods in the package (under which the weight platform is hidden);
  4. If the weight of the scanned and the laid goods is the same - everything is OK, if not - an error.

What if the goods, for example, avocados. Sold by the piece and the weight of each varies greatly. This is where the algorithmic work begins. If you simplify - then for each barcode, the system stores the weight and the allowable weight fluctuation range. As a result, for part of the goods, the spread is large enough, for others - small. In addition, the system itself changes this range on the basis of scanned goods (expands and narrows).

The accuracy of the scales is about 5 grams. In addition to weight control, among the standard “solutions” is an assistant who monitors the work process of the buyer. In case of suspicious actions on the part of the buyer, the assistant will stop the outrages.


The cash program in the classic sense is not here. To work, you will definitely have to dock the existing cash register program and graphic interface from Wincor Nixdorf. Simplified scheme will be something like this: there is a program that implements a graphical interface. The buyer, pressing the buttons on the screen, calls the interface methods for events. For example, scans the product barcode. The interface method returns to the graphical interface a data structure, the information in which is filled with the methods of the internal structure of the cash program. For example, product name, price, quantity, etc.

This approach has its pros and cons. Plus - you can always integrate into any information structure (if certain resources are available - any cash program can be added to interact with the Wincor Nixdorf interface). And minus - you are limited within the interface. That is, it is impossible to display unforeseen information in advance or to do it in a way that is not provided for under the existing elements.

NCR self-service cash desks

The second player in the list and the first in market share. Nearly 70% of the self-checkout market for this American company. Helps them in this Wallmart and Tesco. The largest retailers using SelfServ. This is the name of the self-checkout line. Personally, I like the name very much - it speaks for itself. Unfortunately, (unlike Wincor Nixdorf) it was not possible to dig in the device live, so I’ll tell you about the decision based on publicly available information.


Looks like - rate the image below:

NCR self-service cash desks

Externally similar to the solution from Wincor Nixdorf. The difference is that in the cash payment system. It is not represented by a separate module. That in turn will not allow to put a solution for payment only with the help of non-cash funds. Looking ahead, I note that not all customers, in principle, need a method of payment only by bank cards. If in St. Petersburg and Moscow the share of cards in the total volume of payments for purchases can reach up to 25-30%, in the regions rarely exceeds 20%.

But, despite the inability to allocate a cash receipt module, NCR cash desks remain flexible and can be completed with various shelves for packages and change their functionality.

About the cash acceptance module - manufactured by MEI BNR. Strong srednyachok, nothing outstanding. She does not know how to accept bills, unlike Wincor Nixdorf. You need to pay for the purchase by inserting one bill of exchange. In addition, there is no possibility to add cash receivers with a back-office counting machine for automating cash flow in the store.

Body material - plastic with a metal frame. Also at the order of cash desk it is possible to choose color of coloring.

Control of theft

I will not repeat - the logic of the work is identical to that described in the section about Wincor Nixdorf.


Again, no surprises. All the pros and cons of the point about Wincor Nixdorf. Similarly, there is no own cash program. Implemented only the interface with a set of methods that can call the cash program with appropriate refinement on its part.

Self-service cash desk ITAB

The third one in the review, but the first in terms of customer orientation, is the Swedish self-service cash desk manufacturer ITAB. Swedes entered the self-service market relatively recently (in comparison with NCR, for example). But this is definitely their hand.

Firstly, this is a fresh design trend. ITAB successfully reviewed the experience of existing solutions and created their own - new and to some extent without errors of existing solutions. Here you will not find in something bulky modular designs - each table is sharpened for its tasks. From here benefit - the weight, the sizes and appearance.

And secondly - an open API. Want to use an existing docking scheme / GUI - use. If you want to create something of your own - please! This is what our team does. We wrote our visual part and adapted the existing cash program to work with new devices (during self-service, a number of new objects arise, such as weight base, signal stand, exit gates, etc., which is absent in the “ordinary” cash desk).


Forms, weight, ergonomics - that's what we hooked when choosing with whom to start work. At ITAB everything is top notch.

self-checkout itab

Unlike the NCR / Wincor Nixdorf solution, there is no modular design. Under each task is designed its own cash desk. The customer at the stage of the pre-project survey receives recommendations (based on the load on the cash register line) on the need to choose one or another solution.

In addition to software, we also produce our own hardware. One of our know-how is the fanless VikiPOS system unit (the whole case is a solid radiator, the wires are hidden inside, which prevents accidental breaking and many other interesting details). The cash desk of ITAB is made on the same principle. It has no fans, which means less service required. And with VikiPOS to work, this has no effect.

In addition, the cash register is equipped with its own fiscal registrar - Pirit K. In addition to a stationary scanner with a weighing platform (Magellan 8400/9800), there is a hand scanner for heavy goods that simply cannot be picked up and scanned on a “big” scanner.

Cash in

The cash acceptance mechanism in our solution is similar to Wincor Nixdorf. Therefore, we will not consider it separately.

Control of theft

From the point of view of weight control, no innovations. Just like everyone else. The accuracy of the scales under the platform with packages of about 3 grams.

Exit gate

And here you can stay a little more. No one in the market has this. Automated exit gates. According to our idea, self-service cash desks cannot be chaotically located in the cash zone, but should be fenced off from the general territory by an ordinary fence. Thus, the entrance to the service area is possible from the sales area, and exit only through a special gate. The gate is equipped with a scanner and only allows customers with a paid check. There is no rfid magic here. A self-service cashier prints a special barcode on the check. The buyer approaches the gate and scans the barcode. If all is well, then the gate opens. What can go wrong? For example, the buyer will try to exit on the yesterday’s check (the gate will not open) or he will try to exit again on the already “used” check. The system itself cancels checks at a set time interval and does not allow buyers-offenders to use them for personal gain.

What else gives such technology? We get rid of the need to constantly keep the guard in front of the self-service island. In addition, the buyer will not even leave the self-service island without a payment for the purchase (for example, if you pay with a card, a check of refusal was printed due to a lack of funds on the card - you can also accidentally take it for a cashier’s check, being immersed in your thoughts).


And so, we have reached the most important thing - our own cash program. For the sake of honesty, I’ll say that our team didn’t have to reinvent everything from scratch. The company has an excellent development - Set Retail 10 front office solution. On its basis, a self-service cash desk was created. What have we gained from this? Easy integration with all products of the company, simple docking with any product accounting system. The richest functionality (almost any loyalty system, bank acquiring, etc. - accumulated baggage over the long years of development of Set Retail 10). In addition, we are updating along with the parent product, and for customers with Set Retail 5/10 we are just “another cashier”. No thought about the docking or restrictions - just plug in our cash register into the outlet and plug it into the network. Will be working!

Of course, much work has been done on the user interface. But all this has already been described in detail by my colleague in his article. Who cares - welcome to the link .

Instead of conclusion

I deliberately excluded from the description the decision of colleagues from Fujitsu. Since they have already begun to write about self-checkout, I will not interfere with them - they will most likely tell about their colors in their blog.

With regards to the future of such decisions - it is difficult to say. Ticket offices will appear in all major networks throughout the country. How soon? A year or two, I guess. Our mission is very simple - we want to make a Russian high-quality and friendly product. As far as we succeed - time will tell, but for now we will try.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/240001/

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