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Behavioral factors and marketing strategy (interview with top manager)

Behavioral factors attract close attention from both optimizers and marketers themselves, who are faced with clear objectives and tight deadlines. Today we are translating video interviews with one of the top managers of a grocery solution aimed at collecting and analyzing behavioral data, which are later used to correct marketing sales. The interview appeared in the Search Engine Journal in April of this (2014) year. This is what he says about the importance of behavioral factors. We thank the analytical department of the company ALTWeb Group and the SERPClick team for the help in translation. Recall that SERPClick allows you to improve rankings by directly influencing behavioral factors.

Effective marketing begins with data collection, based on which you can predict consumer behavior and find ways to better respond to their needs.

In a recent interview with the National Marketing Summit conducted by Marketto, Murray Newlans speaks with Saleson Yaron Zachai-Or from SalesPredict about how marketers can use data on user behavior. in order to conduct more successful campaigns.

Interview text:

Hi, Murray Newlans, we are in San Francisco at the Marketho conference with Yaron from Sales Predict.

- Yaron, what do you do?

“We help sales professionals and marketers improve sales funnel efficiency and generate higher revenue for their companies.” We do this on the basis of data from previous successes of the [company], analyzing data from SalesForces, Marketo and external sources. [Based on the data] we create a statistical model that [allows] to predict [what actions] will bring success in [building further] marketing policy and [expressing itself in] sales. For this we take into account:

- If I understand correctly, you are doing content marketing, PPC, SEO. [The actions you take] lead potential customers to the sales funnel, you organize them into groups:

And then you can say: depending on which group they are in, you need to [come up with a strategy] in order to reach them in order to increase sales.

- Yes exactly. Content marketing - "all over the head." If you have worked hard on your content, then in Group A there will be leads that communicate with you on your webinars, relate to your target audience, came from your targeted campaigns. In the third group [let's call it C] there will be those whose Persona (portrait of the representative of Central Asia - approx. Transl.) May be what is needed for you, but the problem is that they have not yet interacted with your content, or you did not reach them with the right content.
- So.

“Therefore, the first thing we can say is: this is a group of leads C, it is not necessary for your sales department to contact them. First you need to prepare them (nurturing process - the process of “warming up” of the leads - approx. Transl.). Use content marketing, [we suggest] the desired type of content marketing, the methods [necessary] to reach them and increase their interest (engagement, involvement - approx. Trans.). In this case, they move to group B or A. It is then that the sales department can start working with them.

- Ned, do you have the opportunity to clearly define what exactly you need to create a certain type of content, or you have spent a certain type of promotion, but how you can optimize your actions and improve them. Do you have some kind of process in order to improve content marketing and advertising returns?

- Yes of course. We provide a dashboard conversion. It collects data about your previous successful campaigns, which are reasonably and very accurately analyzed - one can say, analyzed "scientifically." As a result, those very groups of “success” and groups of “failure” are revealed, if you can say so, in which you managed to do something better or worse in the past period. This information is organized graphically for you. So, you immediately see where you got everything: what webinars, what their duration, what type of content is best suited for a particular Person. Based on this data, you can plan new campaigns and improve the way you address your target audience.

- Amazing! If our viewers want to learn more information and contact you, how can this be done better?

- Send me an email at yaron@salespredict.com

- Yaron, thank you very much.

- Thanks you!

“I’m Murray Newlans from the Marquette summit.” See you later!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239995/

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