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The program Digital Editions 4 "knocks" in Adobe about all open files

Adobe has once again set an example of how to protect user data. One of the users of the Digital Editions 4 e-book reader decided to figure out why the program sends so much information to Adobe servers and what goes there.

It turned out that information about all the books that were opened in the program is being sent; list of pages read, in what order they were read and for how long. This and other information is transmitted to Adobe servers in plain text.

Thus, the information is available for viewing to anyone who can intercept traffic between the user and the Adobe server.
That's not all. The Digital Editions 4 program scans the hard drive of your computer, searches for all e-books on it - and sends this list to Adobe too!

"To show that I am not exaggerating and am not under the influence of drugs, I am posting evidence," writes hacker Nate Hoffelder, who discovered the vulnerability.

Adobe has sent an official response , which refers to the ToS.

Tests show that previous versions of the Digital Editions program behave normally (do not spy on users).

The Foundation for Electronic Frontiers published a statement and expressed its disagreement with the interpretation of the situation by Adobe. EFF lawyers consider it inappropriate to spy on users and send information through the Network in clear text. Moreover, they believe that such a situation could have been foreseen after the introduction of DRM protection for books.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239969/

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