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Trial versions of applications will appear on Google Play Store

Google plans to introduce in its online store Play Store a fundamentally new system for testing paid applications before they are purchased. As the Information publication recently reported, the new feature will be based on the use of a new whale of developer tools that allows you to create so-called “micro-applications” that contain the same functions as paid programs, but in a very tight form.

This measure logically fits into the desire of Google to force a mass user to purchase paid applications from the Play Store. As you know, paid applications in the Play Market are quite weak in demand (why should they, when the majority are free), while the main competitor, Apple in its App Store, earns developers higher sales of paid applications every year.
According to Google statistics, despite the fact that the total number of downloads in the Play Store is 50% more than in the App Store, only 10% of users of Android devices buy applications or games. Over the past year, Google has paid its developers about $ 5 billion, while Apple developers for iOS - more than $ 10 billion.

Details of how the innovation will be implemented, while no any. Perhaps, Google will have the functionality to generate trial versions of the finished full-length content, that is, the demo will only partially open access to some application functions or game levels (as is widely practiced in the case of in-game purchases), or demo versions will be created separately. There is no information as to whether the innovation will be mandatory for all developers, or will be a choice if desired.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239921/

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