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Metahaby - evil

Metahabs are general-purpose hubs for which there is no meaning to subscribe (if you try to filter Habr at all), because at best there will be two or three in one place in your area of ​​interest for you.

Metahabs are pure evil, because theoretically interesting posts for me do not reach me, because the authors put them only in metahabs, or occupy a place among three hubs (in which you can put a post) with one or two metahabs, and on thematic, but slightly less relevant hubs space is not enough.

I wrote about this issue a year ago , wrote in support, but to no avail. I hope to draw this post attention to the problem. (To be fair, for the year at least the stunningly senseless hub Translations was deleted, but this is not enough.)
For example, let’s analyze meta-tabs from the “Programming” section:

In addition to metahababs, here are the hubs, which should be clarified and removed from them posts that do not meet the specified topic:

In order not to get up two times, I will mention the problem of “purely nested hubs”, for example

The problem of purely embedded hubs is that if the author forgets (or cannot, due to the three hub restrictions on the post) put a post in a hub subset or hub superset, the subscribers of this hub fly past the post.

This problem cannot be solved only by splitting, merging and renaming hubs. You can mark up purely nested hubs programmatically and do something special if the author wants to put a post in one of them, for example:

at the same time, the restriction in the “three hubs per post” should not apply in these cases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239895/

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