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Imgur offers to switch to gifv: as gif, only easier, better and without brakes

Gifs are everywhere now - but the format itself, despite its artistic expressiveness, remains archaic - .gif was created in 1989, it is older than many readers of this post - as a result we have animation in small resolutions, often of mediocre quality and almost always - of enormous weight. Imgur, one of the largest kart host hosting sites in the world, was tired of spending money on expanding the servers and took it upon itself to rectify the situation by presenting the .gifv project.

An example of a familiar gif

In fact, this is just a container for .mp4-video, devoid of all the video control buttons like pause and scrolling, in other words, looped video without sound.

How it works can be seen in the example. Take a 200 pixie wide gif:

- it weighs as much as 5 megabytes. Can't see what is written there? Open gifv 660 pixels wide , which weighs half as much: 3.44 MB. Before reformatting, this image in .gif weighed 50 megabytes.

In addition to the reduced weight, the picture is also loaded without the familiar brakes of the fully loaded gif. The reduced weight also contributes to the speed of work, but I am completely silent about the best quality.

Unfortunately, there are no chances to insert a .gifv example on Habrahabr: neither habrastorage nor the parser recognize the image in the new format. So far this is his main drawback: .gifv still has to support large portals for the format to start living.

See, what a beauty .

As the Imgur founder Alan Schaaf says, this is not the last GIF-related improvement that they prepared - and we will see different cool stuff related to the GIF on Imgur soon.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239875/

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