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Nigma deciphers abbreviations

In connection with the approach of school exams and the session, the development team of the intellectual search system Nigma.ru has launched a system for decoding abbreviations. Now the system recognizes almost any Russian and English abbreviations. The user enters the desired abbreviation and in addition to the search results, on the left side, Nigma will offer one or several variants of its meaning.

If the abbreviation is found on the Internet often enough, it is displayed on the left of the first level. If decoding is rare, then it can be found in the special subcluster "Abbreviations".

The abbreviations are translated using the electronic dictionary of abbreviations, acronyms, abbreviations and complex words of the Russian language sokr.ru, as well as the world's largest English-language abbreviations dictionary, edited manually by abbreviations.com. As a result, the development team formed a database containing more than 400 thousand abbreviations. The base of abbreviations will be updated once a day.

According to our observations, on average, one abbreviation has two values. There are also leader cuts by the number of values:
- in Russian - this is PP (has 129 transcripts)
- in English - SS (190 transcripts)
The well-known abbreviation PC (personal computer) has 167 decoding, and MS (as Microsoft usually cuts it off) - it turns out it has 150 more values.
Funny, but the second most popular decoding of MS is “Multiple Sclerosis” (multiple sclerosis) :-)

Please potestite. If something is not found, then we will add :-)
We will also be happy to hear suggestions for improving the usability of the system.
Thank you in advance ))

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23985/

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